OLDER people in the Mitchell Shire are heading back to class thanks to the University of the Third Age (U3A).
The U3A is an international self-help movement, run by and for retirees. A university in the original sense of the word, the organisation offers classes from dancing to woodwork, languages to mahjong, while simultaneously being a low-cost way to stay active, find new interests, and most importantly, have fun and make friends.
There are 105 organisations across Victoria, and all U3A classes and activities are run in accordance with COVID-safe plans and are mandated by the Victorian Government. There are three groups in the Mitchell Shire, and to enrol in a course or activity, you must be a member.
Occasionally, there is a small charge to cover materials or tutors’ expenses, however most courses are free.
Kilmore and District
The Kilmore group rang the bell for their first 2025 class with their Ukulele Singalong and Recorder classes. Since then, they have played their first darts and carpet bowls games for the year.
Kilmore also offers trivia, a gardening group, and a book club.

TAKING NAMES, TAKING NUMBERS: U3A Kilmore held a registration day for upcoming courses.
An annual membership costs $35 for an individual, or $60 per couple. There is a once-off joining fee of $5, and an option to join as an associate member for just $5 extra per person, which President Mark Perrott stated boasted a wealth of benefits.
“As an associate member, you can attend any U3A [group],” he said.
“Yours might not have the class you want—for example, Wallan has Italian, and we don’t. So, you can attend their class.”
To see all the courses and activities on offer, visit www.u3akilmoreanddistrict.com.au/courses-activities.
Seymour and District
President Irene Telford said new additions to their program included Music Made Simple, Your Fascinating Brain, and Creative Writing.
Students can also anticipate the return of their favourites, such as Walk and Wonder, Genealogy, Bobbin Lace, German, and Art.
“Our organisation is in its milestone 20th year,” Ms Telford said.
“An annual membership is $40 for an individual, or $60 per couple, and that allows you to participate in as many classes as you like.
“It’s great value, and it’s an opportunity to keep your brain and body active.”
Semester one, run between February and June, offers 18 classes and activities of interest, alongside extra-curricular subjects. New courses are introduced in the second semester, which is run between July and November.
The Seymour U3A office is open every Monday from 10am –12pm, (excluding public holidays) at Chittick Place, Seymour.
To learn more, contact Jo on 0448 700 967 or Irene on 0425 755 093, or email seymu3a@gmail.com.
Wallan and District
At Wallan U3A, their mission is to make the third age the fun age.
When the timetable is launched, games to play will include Mahjong and trivia, while leisurely activities will include Tai Chi, water aerobics, and dancing.
Wallan also has a cooking and a card and craft-making class.
Secretary Brenda Nicholas said extra-curricular activities and course ideas are always welcome.
“Our registration day is Friday, March 14, 10am–1pm at the Wallan Neighbourhood House,” she said.
“The tutors will be available to talk to, and we are always looking for new ideas. We also go out once a month for a luncheon.”
Single memberships cost $30 per annum, or $50 per couple. Associate memberships are also welcome at Wallan for an additional $5 per membership.
To see all the courses and activities on offer, visit www.u3awallan.org.au/courses-activities.
For more information about U3A, visit www.u3avictoria.org.au.