Monday, February 17, 2025
20.5 C
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Jo Kubeil

Jo Kubeil has recently joined the North Central Review team as a journalist, with interests in Indigenous culture, community services, and environmentalism. Jo has previously worked as an entrepreneur, designing apparel to help people feel dressed for success.

It’s rally time!

WOODSTOCK’S Melissa Rae and Adam Haldane warmly invites locals to head west for a car and bike show next month—a must see for petrol...

Don’t forget fido in a fire

THE Country Fire Authority (CFA) of Victoria and the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) are urging residents to include...

Fostering team spirit

THE Broadford Secondary College (BSC) student leadership hierarchy has morphed into eight positions, with exciting roles shared across their senior, middle, and junior school...

The third age is the fun age!

OLDER people in the Mitchell Shire are heading back to class thanks to the University of the Third Age (U3A).The U3A is an international self-help...

Scoot scoot

ZIPPING around Mitchell Shire on an electric scooter would be a hole lot easier if there were less potholes.Alas, there are few riders who...

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie!

ON Saturday, the first of Gisborne and District Cricket Association’s (GDCA) two-day matches delivered an exciting preview of what’s to come.Johnstone ShieldThe Kilmore Firsts...

Local rider an international pro

THE Dakar Word Rally-Raid has to be among the toughest races on earth, but earlier this month, keen racers revved across thousands of kilometres...

Bat crazy

BATS may have a bad reputation, but like it or not, they are part of our ecosystem and quite extraordinary, being the only mammals...

The year of the snake

EVEN if you do not have Chinese heritage or ancestry, many of the themes behind the Chinese New Year festival strongly resonate in Western...

GDCA: Chasing runs in cricket

Gisborne and District Cricket Association’s (GDCA) round 10 one-day matches delivered a mixed bag of results at the weekend.Jensen Shield ThirdsThe Jensen Shield Thirds...
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