Wednesday, February 12, 2025
34.4 C
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Valley plunges into darkness

POWER outages continue to cause havoc across the shire, leavingHidden Valley residents without electricity yet again.At the height of a four-day heatwave that brought...

Race for finals heats up

THE intensity has risen as finals spots are on the line in the Gisborne District Cricket Association (GDCA) after the first day of play...

Ray Carroll’s ‘From the Boundary’: February 11, 2025

CAMERON’S TIMEIN 2003, Yea boy Cameron Armstrong joined Assumption’s illustrious list of cricket premiership captains.Pictured centre front with the AGSV trophy, he joined college...

Trekking the Kokoda trail

MEMBER for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland has extended the application window to allow more Year 11 students across the region the opportunity to apply for...

The third age is the fun age!

OLDER people in the Mitchell Shire are heading back to class thanks to the University of the Third Age (U3A).The U3A is an international self-help...

Kilmore East man charged

SEYMOUR Highway Patrol officers have charged a man after a woman was left with life-threatening injuries following a crash in Kilmore on Wednesday, January...

Inland Rail backs locals

Nearly 500 people, including almost 300 locals, have been employed on the Beveridge to Albury Tranche 2 (B2AT2) Inland Rail project before major construction...

Students’ festive art celebrated in Cleeland’s Christmas card

Artwork by three local students will feature on the cover of Member for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland’s Christmas card this year.Ms Cleeland invited students from...

Success on the green at Kilmore Bowls Club

By Lesley and Colin HodgsonKilmore Bowls Club (KBC) held a very successful women’s tournament earlier this month.KBC President John Coates welcomed 16 teams and...

Santa to visit Vinnies in Seymour

Santa will once again make an appearance at the St Vincent de Paul Society’s Seymour centre to offer presents to children in need.Everyone is...
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Valley plunges into darkness