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For better or for worse

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Grace Frost
Grace Frost
Hi, I'm Grace Frost. I was honoured to report for the Review as their Digital Journalist from mid-2022 to the beginning of 2024. Ive since made a move to the Herald Sun.

By Grace Frost and Max Davies

“Love is knowing that when our strength falters, we can borrow the strength of someone who cares” – celebrant Dwyane Nichols.

Less than two weeks ago, Vento Cafe and Restaurant manager Lauren Fanelli received a call regarding an upcoming wedding.

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Checking her diary, Ms Fanelli asked for the date of the celebration, and was shocked to hear November 26 – a mere 10 days away.

On the end of the line was Elise Giles, best man and best friend of the groom, who explained to Ms Fanelli the hurry – this was an ‘end-of-life wedding’.

Groom Alistar Tweedie and bride Janelle Hayes – now Janelle Tweedie – have been together for some seven years, having first connected on dating site Plenty of Fish.

Deciding to officially meet after three weeks of talking online, the two went on their first date to an Irish Pub, where Mr Tweedie said the two just ‘clicked’.

Ms Tweedie said after the first day she met her now husband, she knew she had found the love of her life, calling him ‘an honest gentleman’ with ‘a huge heart’.

Ms Tweedie moved to Wallan to be with Mr Tweedie where he has lived for 30 years, and later began discussing marriage.

“I sort of brought [getting married] up ages ago and she never believed me. So when I went and bought her a ring she sort of freaked out a bit, which was nice, in a good way,” Mr Tweedie said.

The desire to get married quickly multiplied after Mr Tweedie had an incident at work earlier this year.

After breaking his back, Mr Tweedie was taken to hospital, where further blood tests found ‘something far more’.

Mr Tweedie was diagnosed with cancer, which has now spread to everywhere but his brain.

Ms Giles said chemotherapy had proved unsuccessful, and Mr Tweedie’s one functioning lung was ‘coated in what would be akin to cement’.

“He’s a gorgeous man and doesn’t deserve what he’s going through,” Ms Tweedie said.

The couple began renovating their home in Wallan with hopes to ‘sell and start again’, planning to move to the beach before Mr Tweedie’s health declined further, but time ‘just ran out’.

With the shadow of time looming, the couple began planning for the wedding in their backyard in Wallan to take place after the renovations were complete, however, the presence of dust from construction and the constant rain caused concern for the viability of the event.

The couple still desperately desired to be married.

“Because Alistar’s sick, we thought ‘we’ve been together for so long so we may as well make it official’,” Ms Tweedie said.

Ms Giles, having known Mr Tweedie since they were in prep together 45 years ago, flew over from South Australia to support her best friend through his sickness.

“He’s one of the sweetest people I know, doesn’t judge people, just a kind, kind soul,” she said.

Ms Giles, knowing the pressures of the renovations and Mr Tweedie’s health complications on the couple, took it upon herself to search for alternative solutions to the wedding, and began calling local venues in search of someone willing to plan and host a wedding in under a fortnight.

Ms Fanelli, who Ms Giles refers to as her ‘fairy godmother’, said once she heard the couple’s story, she couldn’t say no to helping.

She organised the entire event in less than 10 days, decking out the cafe in pink decorations – Ms Tweedie’s favourite colour – and co-ordinating music and set-up.

Wallan’s Vento Cafe was transformed for the wedding.

Ms Giles said Ms Fanelli took the stress of planning off her shoulders during a difficult time.

Ms Fanelli said it was community spirit that resulted in the event coming together, with a multitude of people and businesses donating their products, services and time to see the occasion come together, including Personalised by Mel, BGGROUPAU’s Benny Gregs, Custom Gifts and Crafts Wallan, Anna-Marie Kelty from Anna’s Alterations and twin musicians PINK ENVY.

Ms Giles, having only recently been to the area, said she had never known such community-spirit.

Saturday night quickly rolled around and saw a crowd of 50 at Vento Cafe, the venue adorned with candles and flowers, and celebrant Dwyane Nichols officiating the ceremony.

“Love is a strange awareness that our sorrows will be shared, made lighter by sharing, the joys will be enriched and multiply by the joy of each other,” he said.

Ms Tweedie shared her vows, saying she never knew what true love was until meeting her husband.

“I love you with every fibre of my being, thank you for being you. I promise to love you now, always, and forever,” she said.

“This ring is my gift to you, with the promise of my love, may it always remind you [that] you will be surrounded by my love, forever from this day forward.”

Mr Tweedie, watching in admiration of his to-be-wife, then shared his vows – a declaration of his unconditional love.

The couple said they couldn’t be more thankful to those who helped make their day happen – particularly Ms Giles for her support in putting the event together.

“She organised everything and got it all together. It ended up being grouse, it just worked out so well,” Mr Tweedie said.

The couple said they were immensely happy to be finally married.

“I’m just happy that we did it and that now it’s a forever thing,” Ms Tweedie said.

Janelle and Alistar Tweedie celebrated their wedding on Saturday night at Vento Cafe in Wallan, organised in just 10 days.
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  1. What a sad but beautiful story.. may they have some more time together. Life can be so unfair sometimes but it truely puts everything into perspective.

  2. How precious, what an amazing gift you have all given. And what a beautiful account of their story. May their days left together be full of love ❤️

  3. It was such a magical night ❤️
    Thank you to everyone that got onboard for this. That night will live in my heart forever and I’m so blessed that they trusted in me and my beautiful team to deliver their dream wedding

  4. Absolutely beautiful story. Thanks for allowing me to part of helping bring this special day together. Congratulations Mr & Mrs Tweedie x

  5. What a story. Congratulations to the Bride and Groom. Hope you get some extra time together. 3 words for Lauren……”Lozz ya legend”.

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