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Whittlesea Secondary College thrilled at election pledge

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By Colin MacGillivray

AN upgraded performing arts centre and better kitchen facilities are on Whittlesea Secondary College’s wishlist after candidate for Yan Yean Lauren Kathage last week pledged $11.7 million for the school if Labor wins next month’s state election.

Ms Kathage made the election promise at the school’s assembly on Tuesday last week, with principal Kathy Mourkakos labelling the announcement ‘amazing’.

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Ms Mourkakos said the money would be put towards several important projects.

“There are walkways that need to be fixed and we really want to upgrade the performing arts centre and our kitchens, because cooking classes are very popular here,” she said.

“We’re also looking at ways to incorporate 21st century technology into our STEM [science, technology, engineering and mathematics] areas.

“The opportunities this will enable us to give the students are amazing. To be able to compete with new schools that have opened up around us and their facilities, it shows our students that they’re equally deserving and they will get the same opportunities and resources.”

Ms Kathage said education was a key focus of her campaign in Yan Yean after pledging $10.1 million for Wandong Primary School a week earlier.

“It’s the job of students to try their best and dream big about the future, and it’s our job to provide them the facilities that enable them to excel. That’s what we’re doing with this announcement.”

Ms Kathage said she contacted Ms Mourkakos and other school principals in the electorate at the outset of her campaign to discuss funding opportunities.

“As a local I’m aware of how communities feel about their schools. One of my first acts as a candidate has been to get in touch with schools so I can join my voice with theirs and see if I can get solutions for them.

“I’m proud to have put in the work to secure this for [Whittlesea Secondary College] and I hope Labor is re-elected so we can deliver it.”

Year 12 student Alex Schmidt was impressed after witnessing the completion of a $4.7 million junior school building announced by outgoing Member for Yan Yean Danielle Green in 2017.

“It’s insane. I was here for 2017, and it was impressive to say the least that we got a new building. This $11.7 million is going to be so helpful for the school’s future,” he said.

Alex suggested the money be put towards upgrades for existing buildings, while year seven student Sophie said she wanted to see improvements to the performing arts centre.

“It’s going to be useful for the year sevens that are coming in. They’ll get a new view of what the school will look like,” she said.

Ms Mourkakos, who became the college’s principal earlier this year, said staff had worked hard to secure the funding pledge.

“The previous principal [Lian Davies] and I have discussed this, and she put in a lot of work to get this funding,” Ms Mourkakos said.

“The students and the staff are all really excited. The staff put in 150 per cent and put their hand up for anything, so we want them to be excited about the new facilities as well.

“We want it to be a school where students can come in, look at it and be proud to be here. We want that for them because they’re amazing students.”

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