Last month, the Australian Utility Stock Dog Society Inc. held their most recent Stock Dog Challenge with sashes, trophies, and a total of $4000 in prize money up for grabs.
Hosted in Glenaroua—one of Mitchell Shire’s smallest populated towns but well-known for its vast open areas and expansive landscapes—the challenge saw practical working stock dogs put through their paces with three events that included sheep, cattle, and obstacle tests.
Owner of Burgess Rural Jan Evans hosted the event and supplied both sheep and cattle, while a great team of volunteers, including the Glenaroua Fire Brigade, ensured the day ran smoothly and that spectators and competitors were well-fed and hydrated.
Highlighting the strong community spirit of the area, a number of local businesses and families sponsored the event, while Darren McAinch from Yanakie, Brian Leahy from Highlands, and Ian Bates from Markwood and Rod Cavanagh from Yea judged the paddock, yard, and cattle sections respectively.

Caption: Sashes and trophies were awarded to winners and runners up of the Stock Dog Challenge.
Major event winners included Craig Ogier from Gisborne with his dog Roustabout Itchy, and Jeremy Lim from Holbrook with his dog Homebrook Cessna.
Stockmanship awards were awarded to Mr Ogier and Tim Cavill from Alexandra.
Formed in 2015, the Australian Utility Stock Dog Society Inc. aims to train and ensure excellence in stock dogs, after a general consensus found that there was a decline in the ‘proficiency of the ‘all-round utility stock dog’’.
For more information, visit