A new state-of-the art community centre in Wallan East is expected to become a cornerstone of community growth and support, following the State Government’s commitment of $11.6 million in funding.
Situated in Wallara Waters – a new development site in Wallan East – the future Wallan East Family and Children Centre is designed to be a hub of early childhood and family services, offering comprehensive support tailored to the needs of the growing Mitchell Shire population.
Few of the facility highlights include sessional kindergarten programs complemented by extensive wraparound services, a multi-purpose community centre and maternal and child health services, primary health, and allied health support.
The project was funded under a combination of two grants – $2 million from the State Government’s Growing Suburbs Fund and a further $9.6 million from the Growth Areas Infrastructure Contribution Fund.
The Growth Areas Infrastructure Contribution helps fund essential infrastructure to develop liveable communities in Melbourne’s fastest growing suburbs in the seven major growth area councils of Cardinia, Casey, Hume, Melton, Mitchell, Whittlesea, and Wyndham.
The project will be supported and managed by Mitchell Shire Council, in a joint effort to deliver health benefits and social connection for the area.
Additionally, the strategic co-location with the forthcoming Wallan East Primary School underscores the project’s long-term vision, ensuring integrated service delivery that supports families for generations to come.
Member for Yan Yean Lauren Kathage announced the funding on April 24.
“It is essential that communities in growing areas have access to infrastructure that meets their needs,” Ms Kathage said.
“These investments will help bring our community together in a quality facility close to home – making sure that people feel connected and have the services they need.”
Mitchell Shire Council Mayor Louise Bannister said the project represented a huge step forward in improving the quality of life and accessibility of services for Wallan East families and the broader Mitchell community.
“Wallara Waters is one of the largest individual developments in Wallan and plays an important role in accommodating the growing housing needs of this area,” she said.
“These new development areas are home to growing families with approximately 40 per cent of all families in Wallan now living in the Wallara Waters and Newbridge areas.
“This $20 million project would not be possible without the Victorian Government’s support. Our partnership with the State Government is vital as Mitchell Shire plans and builds for its growing communities.”
Minister for Suburbs Sonya Kilkenny, who announced the successful recipients in the Growing Suburb Fund last month, said the investment in growing suburbs would help communities thrive.
“Whether it’s parks, sporting or health facilities, we’re delivering important infrastructure for communities in some of our fastest growing suburbs,” she said.
“We’re investing in these growing suburbs, to ensure they remain great places to call home, where communities can thrive.”
It is anticipated the facility will be completed and operational in 2026.