Glittering mystical Christmas magic titled ‘Let is snow’ features inside Broadford’s Gavan Hall in the lead up to Christmas.
Gavan Hall is located at High Street, Broadford, next to St Matthew’s Anglican Church, near the pedestrian lights.
A winter wonderland has been lovingly created with familiar characters on stage to highlight and celebrate the festive spirit of the season, reuniting visitors in hope, goodwill and happiness.
Organisers said it also provided a great backdrop for people to take their own photos to share their own special cheer with friends and family.
Visitors are asked for a coin donation to be put into the Christmas pudding, which will go towards restoration of the hall.
Open times are: Wednesday, December 15, 10am to 2pm; Saturday, December 18, 10am to 2pm and 6pm to 8pm; Sunday, December 19, 10am to 2pm; and Tuesday, December 21, 10am to 2pm and 6pm to 8pm.