Kindergarten work resumes in Lancefield
Contractors have been given the go-ahead to proceed with works for a new kindergarten and Maternal and Child Health service in Lancefield, following cultural...
More kindergarten spaces in Kalkallo
Kalkallo North Community Centre will be expecting another kindergarten room thanks to a partnership between the State Government and the Hume City Council.The Building...
Open day was a hit across Mitchell Shire
Parents who are looking for a kindergarten in Mitchell Shire found there was plenty of information available at the open day earlier this month.All...
Kinder goes bush in Seymour and Kilmore
Local children will have the chance to learn and play in the great outdoors, thanks to an expansion of bush kinder programs.Seymour Family and...
Calls to address Euroa’s childcare shortage
MEMBER for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland has met with childcare leaders across her electorate, expressing fear that much of the region had become a ‘childcare...
Education a key focus for Labor
Labor candidate for Euroa Angela Tough says only Labor will make sure every child had the best start in life, no matter where they...
Bridge Youth celebrating kinder for Children’s Week
By Pam KiriakidisGroups of kindergarten children and staff interacted in cultural and social activities at The Bridge Youth Service in Wallan for national annual...
Changes to childcare subsidy mean families in Mitchell are better off
Member for McEwen Rob Mitchell estimated about 6500 local families would be better off under a Federal Government childcare plan introduced last week.The government...
Federal Government urged to continue kindergarten funding
The City of Whittlesea fear families could be out of pocket $2000 a child unless the Federal Government commits to fund kindergartens on an...
Kinder upgrades in Romsey and Riddells Creek
Families in Romsey and Riddells Creek are benefitting from upgrades to their kindergartens after grants from the State Government grant and Macedon Ranges Shire...
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