The Mitchell and Murrindindi Education Network shared a common curriculum day last month with workshops to promote networking and the latest developments in education.
Educators from schools in the network attended the workshops held at the primary and secondary schools in Wallan and Beveridge.
The event started with a presentation from Real Schools, an organisation which builds partnerships and experiences to help schools in three key areas: literacy, mathematics, and disability inclusion (DI).
The latest developments in DI were presented by Karoo Primary School Principal Danielle Heatley and Assistant Principal Courtney Hoffmann, who shared their successful formula for funding applications to support and deliver better outcomes for students and their families.
“The Disability Inclusion Funding Scheme stands out as one of the most impactful initiatives from the Department of Education. It empowers schools to make necessary adjustments and provides genuine support for students, ensuring that inclusive practices are deeply embedded across the school. This commitment enables every student to achieve success,” Ms Heatley said.
Literacy developments were shared by Australian expert in language and literacy Emina McLean, who told attendees the teaching system presented many barriers to students.
“Writing is incredibly complex to teach and learn. We’ve made it harder by asking too much of students too soon without building the foundations, not taking a whole school approach to what to teach when, and asking students to learn both print and joined writing,” she said.
The majority of students stayed home on the curriculum day, while students from the Broadford Hospitality VCE Vocational Major program provided catering for staff.