Planning and development of future kindergarten facilities was put under the microscope at the July meeting of the Mitchell Shire Council.
The future growth will bring Council kindergartens in line with the State Government’s Best Start Best Life Reform Policy.
Under the policy, all service providers will be required to expand operating hours of sessional kindergarten to deliver 15 hours for 3-year-olds by 2029, and 30 hours for 4-year-olds by 2036.
The Department of Education has scheduled the program’s increase to 30 hours for Mitchell Shire to begin from 2026.
The increase of operating hours will also see 11 Kindergarten Strategic Positions executed, such as reducing the shortfall of kindergarten rooms, acquiring land during the planning of new development areas, advocating for kindergartens on school sites, planning for a maximum of six rooms of kindergarten at community centre sites, and noting existing kindergarten sites for future expansion.
Speaking in favour of the proposal, Cr Rhonda Sanderson told the meeting that there was a need to plan for the future to address the development of kindergarten services across Mitchell Shire over the next decade.
“There is a real need to plan for the future and I look forward to the wonderful things that will happen in our kinders as the decades roll by,” she said.
Cr Bill Chisholm referred to the 11 Kindergarten Strategic Positions outlined in the report that would support Council in its decision-making when planning for and delivering future kindergarten infrastructure.
“We presently have eight operational kinders in the Shire and we will be moving to 11. This highlights the need for 85 rooms and this will be a huge planning and monetary exercise,” he said.
Cr Chisholm added that the future model would see 80 per cent of Mitchell Shire kindergartens operated by Council and 20 per cent operated by private operators.
Cr Chisholm referred to a recent article in the Review that reported on the target of 68,000 homes for Mitchell Shire.
“Mitchell is set for considerable growth and this means homes, which means families, and families mean kindergartens and schools. This is why this planning document is so important,” he said.
Councillors voted on the motion and it was carried unanimously.