Survey seeks cyclists


Mitchell Shire Council is asking for cycling enthusiasts of all types, whether they be on the road, in the mountains or at the skate park, to provide their input on what the cycling experience across the shire.

A community cycling survey is set to help council understand how the cycling experience can be improved for both seasoned and casual riders, and what gets them out riding and what keeps them at home.

The results of the survey will help identify the themes for discussion at community forums scheduled to be held next year.

The forums will bring together community members and Council to discuss on-road cycling, off-road cycling and why people jump on their bikes.

Mitchell Shire Council chief executive Brett Luxford said council wanted to promote a cycling experience within the community and understand what benefits it could have for general wellbeing and the shire’s economy.

“We’re looking at getting a handle on how we can boost Mitchell Shire’s cycling experience for everyone, whether you are training for a Tour de Mitchell or just like to explore our natural environment,” he said.

“Have you got any ideas on how we can improve the cycling experience? We want to hear from you.”

Have your say about the experience and register your interest for the forums at


  1. It would be great to link Seymour to the rail trail in Tallarook to keep families safe and off the bitumen.

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