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Paint with David Chen in Kilmore

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The North Central Review
The North Central Review
The North Central Review is an independently owned newspaper publishing company based in Kilmore that is responsible for publishing two community newspapers each week, covering communities within the Mitchell Shire

Kilmore Art Society (KAS) are thrilled about artist David Chen visiting for a workshop later this month.

David Chen was born in China and holds a Bachelor and a Master’s degree in Fine Arts.

In 1988, he became the first person in China’s history to hold a Post Graduate Diploma in Art Education.

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Mr Chen arrived in Melbourne in early 1993, and became a full-time artist.

His gallery of work includes an oil painting titled Memory of Princess Bridge,which shows traffic crossing the bridge on a winter’s day. Mr Chen entered it into the Camberwell Rotary Art Show in 2013, and 30 minutes later, sold it for $9600.

Mr Chen told Herald Sun journalist Greg Gliddon that he was inspired by Melbourne’s weather.

“I absolutely adore Melbourne in winter,’’ he said.

“Towards the late afternoon when people are rushing out of the city back home, I’m rushing in to paint.

“This painting itself only took a couple of days, although I’d had the idea for a lot longer than that.”

President of KAS Jeannette Jain describes Mr Chen as the ‘‘Great’ David Chen’ and is excited about learning from a prize-winning artist. She hopes the workshop will appeal to all ages.

The workshop is a one-day-only event, and it will be held at the KAS studio on Saturday, September 21, from 9.30am to 3pm, at 15 Anvil Avenue, Kilmore.

The cost is $25 for members and $50 for visitors, and participants will need to bring their own materials and lunch.

For enquiries, phone 0410 561 630.

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