By Chris Dynon
Is this the longest drought in Australian Rules Football? An incredible 4017 days since Lancefield’s last win in Under 19’s football, the team have finally broken through to win once again, defeating Riddells Creek earlier this month, 7.13.55 to 5.1.31.
It was a tumultuous week at Lancefield in the lead up to the game, with the Seniors side still being winless after losing their last two games by just two and three points, and then losing their coach the week before, while the Under 19’s also had a series of heartbreaking losses throughout the year. That was all quickly forgotten though when the final siren sounded, unleashing wild celebrations from players who had worked so hard to end the drought, and from the large Lancefield crowd who came out to see if they could do it, on the 11-year anniversary of their last win at the standalone night game that Friday.
Since that last win 11 years ago, Lancefield has had entire seasons without a win. Other years, the team has forfeited part way through the year when the numbers fell away or where, in the weeks leading up to the start, they just couldn’t pull the numbers to field a team and had to fold – as well as seasons wiped out by pandemics. But despite it all, they were determined to keep going to chase that elusive win!
The side is coached by former Lancefield premiership player Jason Tully and his assistant, fellow premiership player, Danny O’Meara.
“We made the boys a big focus all week. The Seniors had the bye so they really got behind them at training, knowing that they were looking to break an 11-year drought since our last win. Todd Viney came down during the week to speak to all the players and he had so many important things to say from his experience about adversity and the great thrill that comes from overcoming it,” Tully said.

On the team’s prospects going forward, Tully said they were excited.
“We’re really excited about the future. While it’s an Under 19’s competition, quite a few of our boys are from the Under 17’s team that folded due to low numbers so we’ll only get better – then again, they probably said the same thing 11 years ago! Hopefully we don’t have to wait so long next time,” he said.
While everyone celebrated that first win since July 6, 2013, the reality is that even that now-famous win all that time ago was only a draw! Only one player remains from that 2013 team, John Morgan, who earlier this year celebrated his 250th game for the club and was on hand to see the historic win.
Lancefield hosted another big Friday night last week when the Women’s team, in their first ever season, took on traditional rivals Romsey.