Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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Fostering team spirit

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Jo Kubeil
Jo Kubeilhttps://ncreview.com.au/
Jo Kubeil has recently joined the North Central Review team as a journalist, with interests in Indigenous culture, community services, and environmentalism. Jo has previously worked as an entrepreneur, designing apparel to help people feel dressed for success.

THE Broadford Secondary College (BSC) student leadership hierarchy has morphed into eight positions, with exciting roles shared across their senior, middle, and junior school levels.

Principal Tania Pearson said she was impressed with the new leadership cohort who will represent students both on campus and at community functions.

“I’m really excited to work with this group of young people,” she said.

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“I rely on these guys to be that advocate out there. It’s the difference between kids wanting to come to school [to learn].”

At a school assembly last week, Ms Pearson formally announced the school captains and later introduced them to the Review.

A NEW STYLE OF LEADERSHIP: Broadford Secondary College Principal Tania Pearson with the school’s new 2025 senior, middle, and junior school captains.

Senior school

Rowan Pollock and Abby Robinson are adding whole school captaincy to their timetables, and making everyone feel welcome is a mission already accomplished for Rowan, while Abby said boosting students’ self-esteem was high on her agenda.

“I love positivity, and I want to spread it around the school,” she said.

“I play a lot of sport … I love teamwork and building relationships with people.”

Rowan and Abby will be supported by senior school captain Sam McGee and vice captain Ted Fraser. Together, they are confident they can support students with conduct and mental health.

A gymnast, athlete, and now mental health advocate, Sam said he wants to help students share their concerns.

“I know a lot of kids feel that their problems don’t matter,” he said.

“I want to be a person they can come up to. I want to be someone who can give them advice, like letting people know there is a wellbeing centre [at school].”

Whole School Captains Rowan Pollock and Abby Robinson. Senior School Captain – Sam McGhie and Vice captain is Ted Fraser.

Middle school

Year 10 students Kaito and Ruby’s goals are to bring the school together and foster community spirit.

Kaito hopes to be involved in fundraising activities.

“I want to be involved in organising fundraising and events,” he said.

“I had a lot of fun memories from school [last year]. I want to make sure [students] don’t think that school is just boring.”

Ruby’s interest in leadership is to bridge the gap between year levels.

“My goal is to bring the school together,” she said.

“So, Year 12s talk to Year 7s, and vice versa. We are all together, there’s no awkwardness.”

Kaito Ryan and Ruby Fletcher are middle school captains

Junior school

With only two public secondary colleges in the Mitchell Shire, junior school can be challenging, particularly if school is a fair distance from home.

Year 8 students Milla and Ashleigh have lived experiences around the transition.

Milla’s leadership journey began as a Year 6 primary school captain, and Ashleigh’s started in Year 1.

“I’m very competitive in athletics,” Milla said.

“I do swimming, netball, and ballet. I’ve been doing ballet for 11 years and this year my goal is to do pointe.”

Milla’s advice for students is practical and encouraging.

“Try your best, don’t put yourself down,” she said.

“Don’t put pressure on yourself, and don’t let other people bring you down.”

Ashleigh wrote a song about her experiences with friendship in Year 7.

“I feel like people don’t tell you how hard it is,” she said.

“I’m also a dancer, and I’m a singer. I just wrote my first song. It’s mostly about going from different friendships to finding your actual friends.

“They say ‘Just have fun, it’s your first year of high school!’ but really you have to have people who’ll tell you what actually happens, about the ups and downs and stuff.”

Milla Robinson and Ashleigh Davon are junior school captains.

The Review would like to congratulate the leadership cohort for their contribution to their fellow students, and wish all school captains across the Mitchell Shire the very best in their endeavours.

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