Monday, February 17, 2025
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Have your say on telecommunications

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The North Central Review
The North Central Review
The North Central Review is an independently owned newspaper publishing company based in Kilmore that is responsible for publishing two community newspapers each week, covering communities within the Mitchell Shire

There is just over one week from today’s publication (July 23) to go for Australians in regional, rural, and remote communities to have their say on telecommunications issues.

The Regional Telecommunications Independent Review Committee, chaired by the Honourable Alannah MacTierman, has encouraged people to include their input via a short survey, and share the information of the Review before it closes on July 31.

The Committee – established to conduct the Australian Government’s Regional Telecommunications Review – is examining the experiences of people in regional, rural, and remote parts of Australia, and the suitability of telecommunication services.

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Residents, businesses, and community organisations can make a submission or complete the survey, with the Terms of Reference – set by Federal Minister for Communications Michelle Rowland – outlining key issues for the Committee to examine.

An issues paper has also been released to shape ideas.

The key focus areas in the Review includes opportunities for new and emerging technologies to strengthen telecommunications systems in regional, rural, and remote areas, effectiveness of existing government initiatives, modernisation of the universal services arrangements, strengthening telecommunications in natural disasters, and the extent to which the needs of First Nations communities are being met.

The input of communities will form an essential part of the Review – held once every three years – which will see the Committee deliver its recommendations to the Government.

The Committee will report to Minister Rowland by December 31, 2024.

For more information on the Review, to make a submission, or to complete the survey, visit

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