Sunday, February 16, 2025
15.5 C
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An un-Australian theft: Highlands-Caveat fire tanker stolen

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Emily Waite
Emily Waite
Emily Waite has been the Editor of the North Central Review since late April, 2024. With a particular focus on delivering community driven stories, Emily has been responsible for implementing the new 'Words of wisdom' segment, and regularly reaches out to residents both young and old to share their stories with the paper. Emily graduated with high distinctions in a Bachelor of Music from JMC Academy in 2022, and graduated with a Graduate Diploma in Writing and Literature from Deakin University in 2023.

Last Wednesday night, the Highlands-Caveat Fire Brigade was broken into, and a firefighting slip-on was stolen.

A small fire tanker consisting of a standard one tonne four-wheel drive with a firefighting module containing a 400 litre tank, pump, and other fire suppression tools, the slip-on is an essential resource used for rapid responses to rural fires.

It is often crewed by two firefighters to perform first attack on spot sized, remote, or difficult-to-access fires.

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CFA District 12 shared the news about the incident via social media, with many locals sharing their disdain for those responsible behind the theft.

“Anyone found interfering with emergency service vehicles and equipment should have the maximum possible charges and sentence with no early release,” one user commented.

“Seriously. CFA is sacred. One purpose is to help people. Do not steal from those that exist to help others,” commented another.

Residents are urged to be on the lookout for the vehicle, which is a white 2006 Toyota Landcruiser Ute with registration plates UGJ-945, and aerial ID 62Q.

Anyone with information about the theft is urged to file a confidential report with Crime Stoppers Victoria on 1800 333 000, or online at

If spotted, residents can notify police on Triple Zero (000).

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