The Seymour Show will return on Friday, September 30 and Saturday October 1, for the first time in three years.
The show will be open from 4pm to 9pm on Friday, and Saturday from 9am to 4pm
The show is set for a spectacular Friday night with bands, sideshows and all pavilions open, culminating in a fabulous fireworks display in the main arena.
Seymour Agricultural and Pastoral Society president Jason Ronald encouraged people from Seymour and surrounding districts to attend and have a great time.
“Kilmore people are particularly welcome as there will not be a Kilmore Show this year,” he said.
Saturday will have all the animal competitions including horses, beef cattle, dairy cattle, alpacas, poultry, goats, championship dogs and yard dog trials.
There will be the dog high jump, tiny tots and rural and junior ambassador awards and the Great Seymour Paper Plane Competition, as well as a family dog fun ring.
The exhibition building will feature competitions for baking including junior competitions, as well as produce, plants and flowers, preserves, needlework and craft.
Mr Ronald said a wool competition would have fleeces judged in several classes such as superfine merino, medium and strong, and crossbred.
He said farm produce and pasture would also be judged at the show.
There will also be art competitions for open and junior, and photography.
“A great deal of work has been done by the Seymour Ag Society to ensure that the community had plenty to see and to get involved with at the Seymour Show,” he said.
“We encourage [people of] all ages to come to the 2022 Seymour how and have a fun time.”
People can enter the compeititions online at where there is a schedule available.