ROMSEY Ecotherapy Park’s opening is nearing each day, with the committee hard at work fundraising as the construction kick-off date approaches in 2021.
The park is being delivered in three stages, stage two of which is being supported by a State Government contribution of $718,000 for the park’s development.
The park aims to deliver a unique experience to its visitors.
Highlights of the park include a sensory space with a contemplative path, orchard, sound chimes, and water play system, and an arts and culture area, which will be a flexible space to host events, installations, and community gatherings.
Construction is set to start in July and it is hoped completion of the second stage will attract visitors interested in nature-based and health and wellness tourism, along with music and performance events.
Romsey Ecotherapy Park committee member Jenny Stillman said the committee was focused on fundraising.
“The detailed design is pretty well complete, we’re in the process of our fundraising campaign which has helped us reach $50,000,” she said.
“We want to ensure we have something truly special; we’re aiming for $180,000 and governments have been very supportive at a state and federal level.
“There will be wonderful art sculptures inspired by nature… it’s immeasurable the value of these resources the resort will bring.”
Member for Macedon Mary-Anne Thomas said the design of the park would allow people to gather and connect.
“I am delighted to see that the concept designs for the Romsey Ecotherapy Park showcase much needed spaces for families in our community to gather and connect,” she said.
“We are supporting locally led initiatives such as this that enhance the conditions for economic growth and build resilient, diversified and sustainable economies across regional Victoria.”
For more information, or to donate, people can visit