Tuesday, March 18, 2025
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Graffiti artist on the loose

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The North Central Review
The North Central Reviewhttps://ncreview.com.au/
The North Central Review is an independently owned newspaper publishing company based in Kilmore that is responsible for publishing two community newspapers each week, covering communities within the Mitchell Shire

LOCAL property owners are appealing to the public for assistance in unmasking the identity of a perpetrator who has caused thousands of dollars’ worth of damage to their outbuilding.

On January 25, at approximately 9.30pm, CCTV captured footage of a masked individual trespassing on a Hidden Valley property which extends to Dolomite Rise, before graffitiing its outbuilding located at the end of Grenfell Close.

The property owners believe that the perpetrator may be a disgruntled Hidden Valley resident, upset at the approval and construction of the outbuilding, which was erroneously advertised for feedback by local council.

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The advertisement of the building consequently resulted in its objection by many residents, who forwarded the matter onto VCAT, before the governing body ultimately dismissed the case after finding that the objectors had no legal rights to contend its construction.   

Since then, the owners have been subjected to three incidents of property damage, including the most recent graffitiing attack, with the first involving the destruction of temporary fencing and a sign about the build from the building company, and the second involving the destruction of a surveillance camera.

Although the outbuilding complies with local planning schemes, the owners believe that social media discussions have only encouraged residents’ disapproval of the build, and exacerbated the ‘vicious victimisation of our family for an outbuild that complied with local planning schemes.’

Anyone with information regarding the graffitiing is urged to contact Wallan Police or Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

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