Changes to Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan’s cabinet have been announced.
In an exciting win for women, Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes has been elected as Victoria’s first female treasurer. While continuing to serve as a local representative, Ms Symes will also serve as Minister for Industrial Relations and Minister for Regional Development.
Taking over Ms Symes’ role as Attorney General will be Sonya Kilkenny, who will retain her role as Minister for Planning, while Vicki Ward will take on the role of Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Natural Disaster Recovery, and Minister for Equality.
Victoria’s now-previous Minister for Housing Harrier Shing will take on the portfolios of the Suburban Rail Loop, Housing and Building, and Development Victoria and Precincts.
Ms Shing will be supported by Nick Staikos, who will serve as the new Minister for Consumer Affairs and Local Government.
Danny Pearson will step into the role of Minister for Economic Growth and Jobs, and Minister for Finance, no longer serving as the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure of Victoria. In his place will be Gabrielle Williams, who, alongside taking on the role of Minister for Transport and Infrastructure of Victoria, will continue to work as Minister for Public and Active Transport.
Minister for Roads and Road Safety Melissa Horne will expand her portfolio to include the role of Minister for Health Infrastructure, while also maintaining her role as Minister for Ports and Freight.
Colin Brooks will serve as Minister for Industry and Advanced Manufacturing, in addition to Creative Industries, while Deputy Premier Ben Carroll will add WorkSafe and the TAC to his portfolio, while remaining the Minister for Education.
Anthony Carbines will continue as Minister for Police, while adding Community Safety and Victims to his responsibilities.
Minister for Treaty and First Peoples Nat Hutchins will expand her role to include Government Services and the Prevention of Family Violence.
Enver Erdogan will add Minister for Casino, Gaming, and Liquor Regulation to his responsibilities, while Natalie Suleyman will serve as Minister for Small Business and Employment.
Gayle Tierney will continue her work as Minister for Skills and TAFE. Steve McGhie will remain as the Cabinet Secretary.
Tim Richardson will serve as the Parliamentary Secretary to the Premier, while Kat Theophanous will become Victoria’s first Parliamentary Secretary for Renters.
Finally, Luba Grigorovitch will take on board the role of Parliamentary Secretary for Outdoor Recreation.