A vision for Mitchell

Photo by Giorgio Trovato from Unsplash.

A VISION to develop a thriving business and investment climate in Mitchell Shire has been launched by the Mitchell Business Network.

Business Network Chairman, Bruce Nichols, said that the aim of the Business Vision for Mitchell is to make the region the premier place in Victoria to live, work and invest.

“I believe that this vision dares to explore what we might achieve if we rise to the challenge, strive to do things better, and pool our resources in the common pursuit of business and investment excellence,” Mr Nichols told the North Central Review.

Mr Nichols said that the area already has an exciting array of business, tourism, educational and agricultural assets.

“Our Business Vision for Mitchell will be the driver to connect these scattered, sometimes stranded assets to enhance our business and investment climate, generating an exciting feedback loop for new investment and employment,” he said.

The vision highlights some major opportunities for the area including what Mr Nichols describes as the ‘Kilmore choke’.

“We have lead public discussion about the ‘Kilmore Choke’, advocating passionately for an urgent, interim solution to ease Kilmore’s traffic congestion,” Mr Nichols said.

Mr Nichols pointed to the vision statement that proposes an up-grade of the Seymour to Tooborac corridor that with alignment and gradient smoothing and overtaking lanes would provide direct access to and from the Hume Freeway to the northern highway bypassing Wallan, Kilmore, Pyalong and Tooborac in the process.

“It is a simple fix that would give the transport industry smooth passage by aboiding varying speed zones and a myriad of traffic lights.”

The vision statement also addresses the condition of the streetscapes of the shire’s towns, advocating immediate attention with Kilmore being singled out as the town in most need of attention.

The Business Vision for Mitchell also addresses bus and rail transport infrastructure urging a more service-oriented road and rail connect.

The vision also proposes a Mitchell Educational Precinct’, built upon assets like the Seymour TAFE, St Catherine’s College, Assumption College and the Kilmore International School and suggests that the training expertise that exists at Puckapunyal could be harnessed towards niche training programs. The Mangalore airport infrastructure has also been singled out as a possible site for the planned Qantas pilot training facility.

“We have worked hard on the Business Vision for Mitchell and invite the constructive input from the community. I urge people to join us on this exciting journey,” Mr Nichols said.

The full Vision Statement can be accessed on the Mitchell Business Network website. Go to www.mitchellbusiness.com.au and click on Our Vision on the navigation dashboard. Interested people can also join the Business Network via the website.