MITCHELL Shire Council (MSC) has secured additional funding for a scoping study exploring the possibility of extending the metropolitan railway line to Wallan, and the construction of stations at Beveridge and Cloverton.
On Thursday, MSC councillors were joined by Liberal candidate for McEwen Jason McClintock at Donnybrook Station to hear the Federal Coalition announce a $2 million commitment for a comprehensive study, which would allow several key priorities to be identified.
“This crucial investment will enable a detailed project plan to be developed, examining key infrastructure upgrades, technical feasibility, economic and social benefits, environmental impacts, and high-level cost estimations for the much-needed extension,” council said.
Such priorities included:
A duplication and upgrade of the Upfield rail line between Gowrie and Upfield, improving frequency, capacity, and reliability;
A reconfiguration of the City Loop, separating the Upfield and Craigieburn lines; and
Electrifying the Upfield line to Wallan, with new stations planned at Beveridge and Cloverton.
The Northern Councils Alliance (NCA), of which MSC is a part of, has ‘strongly championed the project.’
“As part of the funding arrangement, the money will be made available to a northern council, which will manage the project on behalf of the NCA,” council said.
“A contractor will be engaged to deliver the scoping study in collaboration with key stakeholders, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of the project’s feasibility and next steps.”
Labor member for McEwen Rob Mitchell, however, responded by referring to his party’s commitment of $7 million to boost services on the Upfield line, as well as the aforementioned plan for new stations at Beveridge and Cloverton which was announced last month.
“This is a cut, pure and simple,” he said.
“Only last month, Labor announced $7 million for comprehensive planning of northern suburbs rail.
“This is a cut of $5 million to the $7 million the Albanese Government has already announced for a northern rail plan as part of the $3.3 billion Building Victoria’s Future.”
MSC Mayor Councillor John Dougall, however, said it was the work of the NCA which ensured there was an additional funding promise.
“The duplication and extension of the Upfield line is essential to ensuring our rapidly growing communities have access to reliable, efficient, and sustainable transport,” he said.
“A key element of this project is a train station at Beveridge that will support the rapidly occurring development in the area. This part of the project is ready to go and is urgently needed by our community. However, State or Federal Government funding is required to make it a reality.
“The northern growth corridor is one of the fastest growing regions in the country, and this project will help unlock significant economic, social, and employment opportunities for our residents.
“This project will not only benefit Mitchell Shire but the entire northern region by providing high-quality public transport options and reducing our reliance on car travel.
“We look forward to working with all levels of government and key stakeholders to ensure this project moves forward as quickly as possible.”