THE Lancefield and Romsey neighbourhood houses have extended a message of thanks to the community after generosity and support flooded in from residents during COVID-19.
The neighbourhood houses collaborated during the first wave of the pandemic in March, and formed a response initiative to assist communities – The Lancefield Romsey Community Support initiative.
Romsey Neighbourhood House member Kathryn Chai said the initiative enabled the community group to distribute more than 1700 meals to the community.
“To say that times are tough and that many have been severely impacted by this pandemic would be an understatement,” she said.
“With so many financially impacted through loss of work, reduced hours, slowing down of business, having to self-isolate or quarantine due to health requirements and feeling isolated and disconnected from family, friends and community, this initiative has been more important than ever in supporting our communities and looking after each other.
“With the amazing generosity of the community, individuals and local businesses, we have been able to cook and provide in excess of 1700 frozen meals, deliver food parcels, conduct weekly friendly chats and provide additional support through referrals to other agencies.”
The initiative has relied solely on the generosity of Lancefield and Romsey residents, as no government funding has been provided.
“To date, all of this has been done without any formal emergency relief funding from local or state government – this has been possible through food and monetary donations from our generous community and volunteers assisting with cooking, food deliveries and keeping locals connected through friendly chats,” Ms Chai said.
“Lancefield and Romsey, we are in awe of the beautiful community spirit and resilience you have shown.”
The initiative is ongoing, meaning people who are struggling can still ask for support.
“If you would like to help us continue to support our communities, food donations can be made at the Romsey IGA, Lancefield Townhouse, Lancefield and Romsey Neighbourhood Houses, in the FoodBank boxes, and all other donations can be made by calling 0491 243 996,” Ms Chai said.
“If you or anyone you know could do with a helping hand during this time, please do not hesitate to call 0491 243 996. Lancefield Romsey Community Support is a community initiative, by the community, for the community.”