Free breast screens for Kilmore


A BREASTSCREEN Victoria mobile van will make its debut in Kilmore to offer free breast screens from Thursday September 3 until Friday October 16.

The van, ‘Nina’, previously visited Broadford and will trial its new site at 58 Sydney Street Kilmore to increase access and reach a larger number of people.

All breast screens will be conducted with a female radiographer in a safe and friendly environment, and no Medicare card or doctor’s referral is necessary to be tested.

Screens will take up to 10 minutes, and will be performed in a COVID-19-safe environment, as extra measures will be put in place, including physical distancing and cleaning time allowed after each appointment.

Medical staff will ensure distancing between people lining up for their appointments, and anyone getting screened is required to wear a mask.

Breast screens can detect cancer as small as a grain of rice, long before it can be seen by the naked eye or felt.

People aged between 50 and 74 should have a breast screen done every two years so symptoms can be discovered and treatment is most likely to be successful.

BreastScreen Victoria chief executive Terri Smith encouraged everyone in the recommended age group to undergo a test.

“Nina is one of our two mobile screening service vans which travel the state throughout the year,” Ms Smith said.

“This visit to Kilmore has been organised to make sure women in this part of Victoria have access to a potentially life-saving mammogram.

“The vans use the highest quality digital radiography machines to ensure that women receive the best service, regardless of their location.”

BreastScreen Victoria aims to reduce the impact of a breast cancer diagnosis by ensuring the best health outcomes through early detection.

The van will be located at 58 Sydney Street, Kilmore, opposite the Commonwealth Bank.

People can book appointments for the screen online at breast or by calling 13 20 50.