Plumber gives back

Crawford Plumbing owner-operator Jack Crawford is motivated by giving back to the community as much as possible.

Family-owned Wallan plumbing business Crawford Plumbing is focused on giving back to the community at a time when it is needed most.

Owner-operator Jack Crawford took over the business two years ago, running it alongside partner Bree Milton with a team of five.

Mr Crawford said the business was mostly based around charity work it did after the couple’s daughter was born with Down syndrome.

“Our company is based a lot around charity work, we involve the company with a lot of stuff with Down Syndrome Victoria, charity work and runs, we try to rally as much money as we can on behalf of the company and donate that,” he said.

“Having a one-year-old with Down syndrome threw a spanner in the works. I was only 23 when we had Dakota so being a first-time dad, having a child with Down syndrome and running the business was stressful but we’re all getting through it as a family.”

Down syndrome is not the only cause Crawford Plumbing supports – the business is currently running an initiative on its social media with a free plumbing job available to those who need it most.

“We’re doing a fundraiser for the local Wallan community, people can enter on Facebook and submit their story on how they or someone they know has been affected by COVID-19 and I’ll select a winner in September and go out and complete a plumbing job,” Mr Crawford said.

“Last year we fixed a lady’s ducted heater for her free of charge. It’s something we try to do every year for the community. The business is based a lot around family and giving back.

“We’ve got people submitting stories of people they know doing it tough so we’re trying to put a smile on the face of someone doing it tough, like someone with no hot water who’s working from home and has a child.”

Crawford Plumbing specialises in domestic plumbing, anything from leaking taps and toilets to heaters and air conditioners and services Mitchell Shire, the City of Whittlesea along with Romsey, Lancefield and parts of metropolitan Melbourne.

To enquire about any plumbing needs, visit the Facebook page or, or call 0450 107 600.