A NEW policy that aims to keep fees and charges fair, transparent, and affordable was adopted by the City of Whittlesea Council on Tuesday, February 18.
The Pricing Policy—Fees and Charges, responds to growing financial challenges faced by council where the rising cost of essential service delivery has outpaced fee increases.
The policy commits to balancing affordability while maintaining service quality. In line with the policy, fees and charges will reflect the actual cost of service delivery while considering affordability, community benefit, and equity.
The policy has seven guiding principles to determine how council will set its fees and charges, which include financial sustainability, recognising the significance of service to the community, equity, access, and inclusion.
It will apply to services that have non-statutory fees or changes applied, but will not include rates.
The new policy can be found on council’s website at www.whittlesea.vic.gov.au/plans.