Wednesday, February 12, 2025
24.9 C
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Steph Ryan

Army gets boots on the ground in Seymour

By Colin MacGillivrayTHE Seymour community is full of praise for Australian Defence Force, ADF, members who assisted the town’s flood recovery efforts, despite initial...

Pyalong farewells Steph Ryan

The Pyalong community farewelled outgoing Member for Euroa Steph Ryan last month, where residents also had the opportunity to meet The Nationals’ new candidate...

Colmont to be deregistered despite politician’s plea

By Colin MacGillivrayKilmore's Colmont School remains scheduled to be stripped of its registration despite Member for Euroa Steph Ryan calling for the State Government...

Liberals to contest Euroa electorate

WITH Member for Euroa Steph Ryan stepping down ahead of November’s state election, the Liberal Party will contest the seat for the first time...

Steph Ryan reflects on eight years in politics

By Colin MacGillivrayMember for Euroa Steph Ryan has encouraged her successor to continue advocating for infrastructure projects including the Kilmore-Wallan bypass after last week...

Steph Ryan steps down, will not recontest Euroa at Victorian election

MEMBER for Euroa Steph Ryan will not contest her seat at November’s state election, stepping down after eight years representing the electorate in Victoria’s...

Steph Ryan labels roads and trains a ‘mess’

By Colin MacGillivrayMember for Euroa Steph Ryan has labelled Victoria’s regional train system a ‘complete mess’ and its road network ‘dangerous’, saying Mitchell Shire...

Opportunity to be an MP for a day

Member for Euroa and Nationals’ deputy leader Steph Ryan is encouraging students who are passionate about their community to enter the 2022 Parliament Prize...

Call for more financial support to improve Kilmore SES facilities

By Tricia MifsudKilmore’s Victorian State Emergency Service, VICSES, leaders say without government support, the unit will fail to keep up with the demand of...

Steph Ryan calls to boost workforce as mental health hours fall short

By Colin MacGillivrayMEMBER for Euroa Steph Ryan has called for programs to boost the number of mental health practitioners in regional Victoria amid a...
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