Recycling options for Macedon Ranges
Another option for recycling or picking up a bargain is available for Macedon Ranges locals, following the opening of a new resale shop at...
Magpies retain top spot despite sloppy start
Wallan retained its spot atop the ladder with a 9.12 (66) to 3.5 (23) win against Macedon, overcoming greasy conditions and a sloppy start...
Power Saving Bonus results encouraging
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The latest round of the State Government’s Power Saving Bonus has resulted in 40 per cent of applicants finding a better energy deal, while...
Macedon Ranges wine festival to return this spring
WINEMAKERS of the Macedon Ranges will have their products on display at an upcoming annual wine festival, set to be held next month.Returning for...
Vision for water management in Macedon Ranges
Greater Western Water, GWW, is inviting the Macedon Ranges community to share their knowledge and vision for water management for the future-proofing of water...
Storm recovery events help build Macedon Ranges community strength
Macedon Ranges residents can focus on gaining strength in the next few months through the Department of Fairness, Families and Housing, DFFH, Targeted Funding...
Late winter open garden coming soon at Macedon
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Open Gardens Victoria is delighted to present a late winter open garden event, opening Tugurium, a fascinating private garden at Macedon on Saturday, August...
Matthew Perri leads Magpies to victory
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By Tricia MifsudWallan sits half a game away from a top two position in the Riddell District Football Netball League, RDFNL, after a 40-point...
Mother records .216 after crash
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MACEDON Ranges police were greeted with a distressing and ‘entirely avoidable’ incident on Friday after a mother collided with safety barriers while her child...
Summertime fling for Macedon Ranges wineries
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Cellar doors across the Macedon Ranges Shire will host a series of events next month as part of the new Summertime Fling Festival.Three weeks...
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