A girl’s world in construction
More females are working in the construction industry than ever before, new data reveals.Published by BuildSkills Australia, the data shows that of May this...
Liquidation halts Wallan Primary School project
Allmore Construction, the company working on the new gym at Wallan Primary School, has gone into liquidation.The company entered liquidation in September following a...
Inland Rail works set to begin in Seymour in late 2023
By Max DaviesWork will begin later this year on the first of seven bridges in the Mitchell Shire set to be redesigned and replaced...
Work begins on new Doreen campus
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Work has begun on a new campus for Marymede Catholic College at Doreen, with the school set to open in 2024.The new campus will...
Construction set to begin at Wallan primary schools
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Sod turning ceremonies at two primary schools in Wallan last week marked the beginning of new construction projects that will expand and improve the...
Romsey construction company awarded shared trails contract
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ROMSEY business Newearth Constructions will design and construct the Macedon Ranges Shared Trails Project.The $11.24 million project, supported by the State Government through the...
Construction industry shut down for two weeks in locked down areas after city riots
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The State Government has shut down all construction sites across all locked down areas including the Mitchell Shire for up to two weeks in...
Council calls for government to catch up
City of Whittlesea Mayor Lawrie Cox joined a national call for better access to roads, transport, jobs and community facilities in fast-growing outer suburbs...
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