Caladenia Nursing Home
Ukulele group performs at Kilmore’s Caladenia Nursing Home
KILMORE and District University of the Third Age, U3A, Ukulele Group performed for residents at Caladenia Nursing Home last month as part of the...
Farewell to Kilmore centurion
Longtime Kilmore resident Fay Boyd Coff celebrated her 100th birthday in November last year at Caladenia with family, friends, and staff.She passed from this...
A century celebrated in Kilmore
By Grace FrostFamie ‘Fay’ Boyd Coff celebrated her 100th birthday last Tuesday, surrounded by friends, family, residents and staff at Kilmore’s Caladenia Nursing Home.The...
Kilmore District Health aged care visitors welcomed for first time in 19 months
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AFTER more than 260 days of lockdown at varying times since March 2020, aged care facilities welcomed back visitors on Friday, October 29.With the...