Monday, February 17, 2025
9.9 C
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Food truck festival on the way for Beveridge

Beveridge will host a free family-friendly weekend event titled Global Flavours from April 26 to 28.Organised by Club Mandalay, the event’s goal is to...

Mitchell Shire’s Beveridge plan re-costing continues

Mitchell Shire Council will submit an amended Mitchell Planning Scheme to the Minister for Planning, updating controls within Beveridge’s original township to address increased...

Dylan singing for a cause this Christmas

Beveridge singer Dylan Marguccio has released a powerful rendition of John Lennon’s Christmas song in support of Muscular Dystrophy Australia – a disease impacting...

Plans to establish a Beveridge fire brigade

A COMMUNITY meeting has been planned to discuss the establishment of an independent Beveridge Fire Brigade to service the growing community.Beveridge is currently serviced...

Police seize 700 kilograms of illicit tobacco at Beveridge

Police seized 700 kilograms of illicit tobacco at a Beveridge property last night, as part of Taskforce Lunar ongoing investigation into organised crime syndicates...

Beveridge man charged for driving offences

A Beveridge man was charged after he allegedly evaded police before being followed through Melbourne’s north-western suburbs on Friday morning. Officers found the car, with...

Mitchell Shire Weekly Police News: September 26, 2023

Beveridge theftBetween 9.15pm and 10.05pm on September 18, front and rear registration plates were stolen from a black Holden Vectra parked on Mandalay Circuit,...

Mandalay hosts Melbourne Cup tour

Club Mandalay in Beveridge hosted the 2023 Lexus Melbourne Cup tour on Thursday, giving people the chance to hold the $600,000 dollar cup.The cup...

Telstra site shutdown extended, temporary service disruptions for upgrades in Beveridge next week

Telstra's planned upgrade to its Beveridge mobile base station has been extended as call testing continues to improve 4G services and 5G connectivity.The works...

Betty celebrates her 103rd birthday

By Grace FrostElizabeth ‘Betty’ Sorraghan celebrated her 103rd birthday over morning tea with friends, family and staff at Dianella Village Hostel on Friday.The residents...
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