Assumption College
Assumption student releases debut single just ‘For you’
By Grace FrostAssumption College Kilmore, ACK, 17-year-old Amelia Vlasveld last month released her debut single ‘For you’ after receiving an overwhelming stream of support...
Ray Carroll’s ‘From the Boundary’: May 15, 2023
Mal’s kind giftMal Cater is principal of Mentone Grammar. He is a fine person and a really good ‘boss’. His school has just released...
Ray Carroll’s ‘From the Boundary’: May 2, 2023
ACK footballAssumption College’s new First XVIII coach Stephen Bellis is looking forward to the 2023 season. Practice games against powerhouse sides Parade and St...
Farewell and thanks to beloved crossing supervisor
AFTER more than two decades of safely shepherding Assumption College students across Kilmore’s Sutherland Street, crossing supervisor Liz Ryan has finally hung up her...
Ray Carroll’s ‘From the Boundary’: April 18, 2023
RECORDSIn 1963 a young 12 year old boarder at Assumption Peter Ryan made 391 in a junior house game. His marathon innings stretched across...
Ray Carroll’s ‘From the Boundary’: April 11, 2023
Playing the gameDuring the long years at the helm of football and cricket at Assumption College Kilmore, it was great to be invited to...
Ray Carroll’s ‘From the Boundary’: April 4, 2023
Happy familyAt Assumption College Kilmore, ACK, I was lucky to have plenty of student volunteers to assist with the footy and cricket, sports organisation,...
Kilmore athlete secures impressive results
AT just 18 years of age, Kilmore’s Mitchel Langborne has already recorded a series of impressive results in athletics both at a state level...
Ray Carroll’s ‘From the Boundary’: March 21, 2023
Stark contrastAll who visit the precincts of Assumption College Kilmore nowadays are high in praise of the modern buildings and superb sweep of playing...
Assumption alumni recognised in college’s 130-year celebration
By Max DaviesAssumption College marked its 130th anniversary with a gala at Crown Palladium last month, bringing together college alumni and current families for...
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