Saturday, July 6, 2024
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New council road tool: Whose road is it anyway?

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Emily Waite
Emily Waite
Emily Waite has been the Editor of the North Central Review since late April, 2024. With a particular focus on delivering community driven stories, Emily has been responsible for implementing the new 'Words of wisdom' segment, and regularly reaches out to residents both young and old to share their stories with the paper. Emily graduated with high distinctions in a Bachelor of Music from JMC Academy in 2022, and graduated with a Graduate Diploma in Writing and Literature from Deakin University in 2023.

Mitchell Shire Council has recently launched a Whose Road Is It? tool, designed to provide residents with an interactive map that easily identifies the responsible authority of each road within the Shire.

Accessible via Council’s website, the tool offers residents a user-friendly interface to pinpoint road authorities, whether they fall under the jurisdiction of Mitchell Shire Council, the Department of Transport, the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action, or other government departments, simply by typing in the name of a road or zooming in directly on the map.

Mitchell Shire Acting Mayor Councillor Nathan Clark said the new tool had the potential to streamline road maintenance queries and enhance community engagement.

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“This tool marks a significant step forward in how we manage and communicate road responsibilities,” he said.

“Users of the tool can now quickly and easily find out who is responsible for the upkeep of any given road, improving transparency and efficiency in our road management processes.

“By simplifying the process of identifying road authorities, we can better address maintenance issues and ensure our roads remain safe and well-maintained for all users.”

Cr Clark acknowledged that some roads in Mitchell Shire are in need of repair and assured that the Council is actively working to resolve these issues.

“We recognise the concerns about the condition of certain roads and are dedicated to addressing them promptly and effectively,” he said.

“But it is important that concerns with roads are raised with the right authority, whether that be Council, the Department of Transport or someone else.

“Our teams are consistently on the ground, inspecting and repairing potholes and other road issues to ensure safety and smooth travel for all residents.

“However, we know we can’t be everywhere. We encourage the community to report roads issues to the relevant authority, so they can be investigated and addressed promptly.”

To access the Whose Road Is It? tool, please visit

Community members can report urgent issues or incidents for Council-managed roads by calling 5734 6200. For any non-urgent issues, please visit

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