Friday, June 28, 2024
12.7 C
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Kilmore footballers hot on the ball

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Emily Waite
Emily Waite
Emily Waite has been the Editor of the North Central Review since late April, 2024. With a particular focus on delivering community driven stories, Emily has been responsible for implementing the new 'Words of wisdom' segment, and regularly reaches out to residents both young and old to share their stories with the paper. Emily graduated with high distinctions in a Bachelor of Music from JMC Academy in 2022, and graduated with a Graduate Diploma in Writing and Literature from Deakin University in 2023.

Kilmore went head-to-head with Kinglake at the weekend, in what proved to be a fierce game for the home side team.

Starting off the first quarter strongly, Kilmore led the play with two goals and two behinds to Kinglake’s single behind, showing the away team exactly why they were sitting higher on the ladder. By the time the siren sounded, Kilmore were sitting at 28 to Kinglake’s one, and the away team huddled for a quick chat to discuss gameplay.

A strong attempt by the away team to keep the ball down their side of the field saw much congestion during the start of the second quarter, and the first goal of the quarter – and of Kinglake – was not kicked until almost eight minutes in.

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Building on their first quarter efforts, Kilmore then followed with four goals and a behind, bringing the closing score to 47-7 after a behind and goal from Kinglake.

At the siren, the teams huddled again on the field to discuss tactics before moving into the second half of the game. Talking strategy seemed to improve the morale of the Kinglake team, who though initially looked defeated, now looked determined to come back swinging. The away team managed to block any attempts at goals by the home team for the first five minutes, but their single behind sent the Kilmore boys into a kicking frenzy, who followed with five behinds and four goals. The siren then sounded with Kilmore up 82 to Kinglake’s 15.

At the ball up in the fourth quarter, Kilmore looked quietly confident, ready to take home the win – but Kinglake wasn’t ready to throw in the towel yet. Despite a cold breeze, the team kept hot on the ball with two behinds, blocking Kilmore’s attempt at goals until 15 minutes in, when the home team scored two back-to-back goals. Kinglake responded with two behinds and a goal, but unfortunately their efforts to get back up and running were not fruitful, and the scoreboard showed a crushing 94-25 at the final siren.

Coach Paul Derrick praised the team’s efforts, stating that Kinglake’s efforts to hold the ball showcased the team’s commitment to the play.

“Back on our home deck and playing for the country cup, as both sides represent towns, not just clubs, [the] game started with a lot of congestion early, but 10 minutes in we started to move the footy our way and ended up kicking four for the term, from multiple entries,” he said.

“[The] second term again [saw] a lot of congested footy – a credit to Kinglake – but then [we] started to get on top at stoppages and got four to one into breeze.

“Last half played out much the same with some really good defensive work and controlling the air up forward.

“Laker’s Robinson was great in the middle for them, but our mids worked well together to get on top, [and we came] away with a nice win to give us two in a row for the first time this season.

“Bailey Taylor-Egan took 20 plus marks for the day and kicked 5 goals. Marcus Lacorcia kept the dangerous Pywell goalless and Kye Maher, Chris Barton, and Liam Monaghan had influential games on the day.”

Looking forward to their next game, Kilmore will host Lalor for round 12 this Saturday.

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