Public input is invited on proposed changes to the state’s planning regulations for animal production.
The changes will see a new clause in the Victoria Planning Provisions and apply to all planning schemes in Victoria.
The clause provides guidelines for the location, design and management of new and expanded animal production facilities such as pig and poultry farms, intensive dairy farms and feedlots, but does not apply to grazing animal production.
Agriculture Victoria Executive Director Sarah-Jane McCormack said the proposal aims to provide primary producers with clearer and more consistent planning requirements.
“The proposed changes have been designed to provide a transparent and enforceable clause that sets best-practice benchmarks for developments and provides certainty for investment in the animal production industry,” Ms McCormack said.
“The clause aims to reduce the regulatory burden for animal production, while continuing to protect the health of communities and the environment.”
The amendment will consolidate planning requirements for all animal production into a single location within the Victoria Planning Provisions and the Engage Victoria public consultation will give community and industry the opportunity to review and provide feedback on the draft clause and its application.
More than 240 industry, local government and community stakeholders provided input into the content and development of the proposed clause and technical guidelines.
“This consultation will allow interested parties the opportunity to have their say on the draft clause. Agriculture Victoria has been working with local government, the community and the agriculture sector to improve planning processes for animal industries,’ Ms McCormack added.
“We hope to hear from a broad range of Victorians to ensure this proposal provides the best possible outcome for industry and the wider community.”
Consultation is now open for submissions on the new land use planning regulations for animal production on until April 22