Musical talent shines at St Patrick’s


A year of hard work in St Patrick’s Primary School’s music department last month culminated in its annual soiree, with students impressing in a range of instruments and musical styles.

This year in St Patrick’s basketball stadium, more than 110 students took to the stage to perform piano, guitar, drums and vocals and play along to a song of their choosing.

St Patrick’s principal Michael Bourne said he was proud to be able to host a musical soiree to show off the hard work of the school’s music department.

“It’s a great joy for me and the community to hold a night like this. I am amazed at the level of interest and the skillset of the students and the commitment of the families to the program – they highly value all things music in Kilmore,” he said.

St Patrick’s currently boasts one of the largest primary school music programs in the region, with more than 200 students enrolled in lessons with the school’s five private instrumental teachers.

St Pats soiree
St Patrick’s Primary School captain Anneka Bean-Thornton, left, music coordinator Corey Mills, captain Joey Garcia, principal Michael Bourne, and captains Noah Sant and Ollie Ruiz. ​

Mr Bourne said for 2024, the school anticipated that more than one third of the school’s 550-odd students would be enrolled in instrumental lessons for guitar, drums, piano or vocals.

“The families have been extremely dedicated in supporting the music program and I’ve noticed that our attendance rate has been very high this year, and I’m sure part of that is because the children never want to miss a music lesson,” he said.

Music coordinator Corey Mills said this year had been the music program’s ‘biggest growth’ to date and thanked the families and staff involved in supporting music at the school.

“This is one of the best feelings ever, and being part of it and watching it grow is just incredible,” he said.

“I’ve seen some of these kids perform when they were in grade one and now they’re grade sixes, so as a private teacher, to stand there and watch them do what they do at that level is pretty rewarding.

“Credit to our St Patrick’s community, our Marist community in Kilmore and the families that get behind it and actually want to be a part of it and help out – their support is overwhelming.”

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