Community consultation to help shape planning for upgrades to the Watson Street interchange at the Hume Freeway in Wallan has now begun.
A business case is currently being developed and will be complete in early 2024.
Major Road Projects Victoria, MRPV, is seeking feedback from residents and businesses to help inform planning, which will then be used to better understand how the community and businesses move around the area, their views on safety, traffic flow, and what should be considered during the planning process.
Options being considered include adding south-facing ramps to create a full diamond interchange and upgrades to Watson Street.
before August 6.
People can also give feedback in person during community pop-up sessions at: Wellington Square Shopping Centre on Thursday, July 27, from 3pm to 6pm; Wellington Square Shopping Centre on Saturday July 29, from 10am to 12pm; and Wallan Railway Station on Tuesday, August 1, from 7am to 9am.
Planning work is underway for MRPV to gather a clear picture of the area, understand environmental and social impacts, develop design options, and confirm scope and costs of different options.
Traffic control measures, including temporary lane closures and reduced speed limits, may be in place during investigations.
MRPV project development director Michael McClean said MRPV wanted to hear from people who used the area.
“We want to know how you travel through the area, any concerns you have, and what we should consider in our planning to help ensure the upgrade delivers the best outcome for the community,” he said.