By Pam Kiriakidis
Seymour’s Lions Park will be home to the Mitchell Shire’s first Mother’s Day Classic on May 14 where residents can take part in a national event that donates to breast cancer research.
Similar to other Mother’s Day Classic annual runs across Australia, the Seymour event will host three runs – a 10-kilometre run, five-kilometre run and walk, and a two-kilometre walk – with several prizes on offer for best dressed in pink, including dogs on leashes.
Volunteer organiser Adele Deverell, who has a team of volunteers helping her on the day, said Lions Park was a great facility for a fundraiser and she hoped the event would continue in the future with more investment and community support.
“I was quite eager to get the community event happening and raise money for this worthy cause, and [to] have something in Seymour … because there’s nothing really like this in Mitchell Shire,” she said.
“There’s a lot of active people, a lot of people that use that track regularly.”
Diagnosed with breast cancer two years ago, Ms Deverell said her whole mindset changed completely following her battle with the disease.
She felt Seymour needed its own event to raise awareness of breast cancer after attending a much bigger event with her son last year.
“For me, at 32, to be diagnosed with rapidly growing cancer, I did not ever expect that I’d have to be facing that – I thought that’s a problem for 20 or 30 years down the track,” she said.
Ms Deverell said her aim was the raise awareness of breast cancer, particularly for younger people, and encourage them to get checked if they felt a lump.
She said she was keen to continue the fundraiser with more entertainment and food available for people across the Mitchell Shire.
“We’ll do it the year after and continue to do it as long as I can and just grow the event into something more and more every year because it’s on Mother’s Day,” she said.
“On Mother’s Day morning come down, go for a walk, have some food and bit of entertainment for the kids and that’s the end goal.
“I know in the city they have a lot going on – face painters, entertainers, but they’ve got a lot more money invested in.”
Participants can register on the day or can pre-register at, with access to a race bib and tribute cards for the run.
For more information on the Seymour event, visit the Facebook page, Mother’s Day Classic – Seymour Vic.
The event will be at Lions Park, Manners Street, Seymour, on Sunday May 14, with registration starting from 8am.