By Colin MacGillivray
REPRESENTATIVES of a Buddhist meditation centre have moved to reassure the Clonbinane community they have no plans to develop land in the area after an online petition opposing the group surfaced last month.
The petition, started by an anonymous Clonbinane resident, expressed concern the Dhamsuwa Meditation Centre at 285 Clonbinane Road, operated by the Buddhist Meditation Association of Australia, had plans to build a 10-stage development on the roughly 21-hectare property.
But Dhamsuwa co-ordinator Pushpa Jayakody said developing the land was the opposite of the group’s intention.
Ms Jayakody said the property was currently used as residence for international monks, who ran meditation programs online and across Melbourne’s northern suburbs.
She said Clonbinane’s combination of solitude and proximity to the city made it an ideal residence for the monks, and that developing the site would destroy the tranquillity the monks needed.
“We have three monks at the moment. One from Canada, one from Singapore and one from Sri Lanka,” she said.
“The monks are not permanent [residents] so there will be a new set of monks next year and the year after.
“We have no intention to disturb anything. We are in favour of conserving and preserving the environment. We are more interested in keeping this environment the way it is – quiet.”
Ms Jayakody said she believed people had misconstrued a section of the meditation centre’s website, which called for donations of 10 stages, each entailing 1000 blocks, to incorrectly assume the land would be subdivided.
She said the website allowed the group’s followers to support the centre financially by sponsoring a block of land, but the land was not being sold or subdivided.
She said each block’s price of $1000 mentioned by the website was simply a suggestion.
“There is no 10-stage development. This is a fundraising strategy of our donation program,” she said.
“People can sponsor any amount. There is no hard and fast rule on how much they can offer. They can offer $1, $100, $1000 – whatever they want.
“We will not subdivide this land because we need quietness and a remote area.”
Ms Jayakody said she was confused by the petition’s suggestion that ‘suburbia has come to [Clonbinane]’ and that local roads were congested with cars visiting the centre.
She said while the petition expressed concern about ‘hundreds of people’ attending the centre, she estimated there had never been more than 20 people at the site at one time.
She said on most days, only one or two cars visited the property to deliver food to the monks, as their religion precluded them from preparing food themselves.
“The meditating monks don’t prepare food. The community offers food,” she said.
“Even two cars is an occasional thing. Mostly it’s one family who brings the food for them.
“In the petition, people have said there are a number of vehicles coming and going, and I don’t understand that because we have never had such a massive number of vehicles.
“We had a couple of working bees during weekends and volunteers came and supported and helped cleaning up and maintaining the property.”
Ms Jayakody said the Buddhist group had made efforts to connect with local community members and groups.
“Some of the neighbours have communicated with us … most of them are very helpful and friendly and we have participated in some of their community activities like the Landcare group,” she said.
“The Clonbinane Community Action Group invited us and were really nice to us, and we have also visited the [CFA]. It’s only a few neighbours who haven’t understood the concept of what we are trying to do.”
Ms Jayakody said the group had long-term plans to use the property as a meditation retreat in addition to a monks’ residence, but that the plans would not involve building on the existing structure.
“In the long run it will be a forest meditation place, but … we will be using what’s there already,” she said.
“We will be talking to the council, but it will not be a massive, crowded place, because we need quietness.
“That’s why we came to such a place. We selected a quiet, serene area because our practices [require] silence.”
Former Mayor Bill Chisholm said council had been in contact with the group ‘on multiple occasions’.
“They are aware a planning permit is required before using the site as a place of assembly,” he said.
“The site is yet to commence use as a meditation centre and no breach has occurred on the land.
“No application for use or subdivision has been received by council. However, the subject site is within the farming zone and the site is under 40ha.
“Subdivision of land that creates lots under 40ha is prohibited in the farming zone, therefore no application for subdivision of this land could be supported by council.”
People can view the Dhamsuwa Meditation Centre website at The petition can be viewed at
Hi Sam and Tyson,
Hope you are both well.
Haven’t heard from you as yet but it is a busy time of the year.
I’ll be out there early next week, letterboxing and door knocking about the next stage of the ecological project in Sunday Creek.
Be great to hear from you. The more voices the better, so we can all protect the landscape and flora and fauna.
This project covers the tributaries that run into Sunday Creek eg Slaty Creek, Stony Creek.
Please get in touch. Really looking forward to hearing from you both.
Hi Jacqui and other readers. Apologies for my late response as you have mentioned Jacqui it’s that busy time of year.
Firstly I am not going to use this platform to get into a debate to who is right and who is wrong, as everyone is entitled to his or hers own opinion. What I will state is what I have witnessed and what I know in detail about this organization. I also have noting against any race or religion I actuality welcome it. But this isn’t about that it’s about what is suited and fitting in the Clonbinane farming community. We need to Preserve this as it could be lost for even. This isn’t Pushpa concern at all Pushpa concerns is financial independents which is using other hard working peoples money or (followers) money to fund a business.
I am a local of Clonbinane and I have lived in the area for over 40 years. I also live within Proximity to the property in concern which is located at No 285 Clonbinane Rd Clonbinane.
There is so much to mention regarding this organizations activities and behaviors and more importantly there Integrity since purchasing the property, but I will try to stay on track with the article Pushpa Jayakody as stated.
It’s worth mentioning Pushpa Jayakody is a Consultant Educator-Community Advocate for Dhamsuw Meditation Center and the Buddhist Community, so she has there best interest first.
I have been in touch with other Council and Counselors outside Mitchell Shire area that were not for these types of organization moving into areas farming/rural community’s to operate as a place of Worship.
Some of the feedback I got was to get organized early with understanding councils standards and requirements in our area as they have people like Pushpa engaging with local groups like Landcare, Local community groups, Fire groups etc. One of the members mentioned there real intentions will not be revealed till they will built rapport with these groups to gain support for future Development of the property or a place of assembly. Sound Familiar??
I have reached out to VCat and other organizations that regulate Non For Profit groups behaviors and how they are operating and conducting themself moving into community’s. I am not going disclose these groups at this point in time.
Regarding the article.
In Pushpa words currently the property is been used as a monks residence for international monks, who ran meditation programs online and across Melbourne’s northern suburbs. This is completely true as I spoke with the Moblie number attached to there website and he explained the site is currently being used for people to visit as a place of worship or meditation. There business model shifted to online since being visited multiple times from local laws regarding non compliant activities on the property. There was no mention of a monks motel.
In Pushpa words regarding donations, people can sponsor any amount. There is no hard and fast rule on how much they can offer. They can offer $1, $100, $1000 – whatever they want. Pushpa has not be Truthful here as well. And again I spoke with the mob number attached to there website regarding and trying to understand what there Intentions were. The response I got was was the minimum amount was $1000 which would help to own the land and future development buildings on the property in around 2 years once enough funds have been raised. I also ask if I could purchase a stage and the response I got was it was only for there on followers to purchase. How’s this good for all to enjoy in the community??
In Pushpa words regarding the petition concerns about hundreds of people and cars attending the property at any one given time.
Pushpa mentioned there is only one or two cars visited the property to deliver food to the monks,. Even two cars is occasionally thing. This is not true Pushpa as I have hard evidence to support other with Multiple cars and people attending the property starting from 6:45am to 10pm at night 7 days a week. I will use this evidence for future reference.
Pushpa also mentioned that’s why they am to such a place. We selected a quite, serene area because our practices (require) silence. This maybe true as the monks and the people following these practices. But the mass of people and cars visiting the property takes away everybody else’s quietness and tranquillity of living out here. We enjoy looking over at the rolling hills of Clonbinane not looking at a hill full of mass of people and cars. This will be more suitable on large flat acreages or Industrial away from other properties. It’s like looking at Craigieburn central.
I have spoken to there sister companies which are located at Ripplebrook and Newbury which they both explained they are following there same business model not online as a retreat.
Early stages I was open to what they were trying to achieve but after dealing with them via the phone and in person there story keeps on changing like there website and consistent lies after lies they only tell you what you what to her.
The positive thing that has come out of this article is now they need to stick to what they have stated.
Moving forward I will and other will ensure all is above board with this organization and anything outside or non compliant will be addressed through the appropriate channels.
I will be contacting Northern Central Review and the media and Council once Christmas period has settled to air our side of the story that live near by. I also have seek legal advice for future reference.
Jacquil , I respect your level within the Land care organization and local community. I am not sure if you are affected at all with this organization. Or even if you live close to this property? I would love to catch up and discuss further but at this stage I don’t think there is anything to gain from that. I am sure there will be further conversations regarding this property
Please be open and understand how the people that live near by are not happy with this as there has been ongoing lies and now since this being printed hasn’t help with acceptance at all.
In fairness to yourself you are only going off what you have been told of Pushpa or the organization but it isn’t true at all. And yes you have been open to meet up and hear our side of the story which will happen in the near future.
Thank you for you time.
Highly agree with everything that has been stated here. Well said.
Hi Jacquil and other readers. Sorry for my late reply but as you have mentioned Jacquil it’s that busy time of year.
I have tried on a number of occasions to write a response in detail but unfortunately having no success on this page.
There is so much to mention regarding this organization and it’s Integrity which I will cover in detail once the end of year break has settled to the appropriate channels.
I have been in conversations with other Councils and Counselors outside Mitchell Shire area that were against these types of organization moving into Rural and Farming Zoned areas using it as a place of worship. Which the community and council won.
Counselors advice was get organized early and gain a petition as they will engage people like Pushpa Jayakody which is a Consultant Education – Community Advocate which will only have Dhamsuw Meditation Center best interest at hand. They also explained they will move in early days into areas within the community like Land Care, Community groups, CFA etc to gain support for future plans of development and a place of assembly, business model and a change in the layout of the land. Sound Familiar ??
I have nothing against any Race or Religion I actually welcome it. But these types of organization are more suited in large acreages or in industrial areas away from adjoining properties that are affected.
I have evidence and I have witnesses activities on this property since settlement that demonstrates Pushpa article in the paper and there real intentions being different to what has been printed.
I will be in contact with Northern Central Review, Local Council and the media to tell our side of the story and present what we have.
I was open to this organization intentions with the property in early stages but since talking with them in person and over the phone there responses change all the time similar to there website and this article being completely false.
The positive result that has come out of this article is NOW they have to stick to what they have said and what they are going to do.
Jacquil I respect your role and position within the community and I think in the near future we could catch up if it’s going to be a productive conversation. But at this stage I will sit back and observe what this organization does moving forward.
I have lived in the area for over 40 years and I am in the Vicinity of this property so I will be affected. Not sure if you are??
I am sure there will be more on going issues that need to be addressed from this property.
Thank you for your time.
Hi Tyson,
That would be great. Thank you.
My email is if that is more convenient.
I’m also happy to meet you on Clonbinane Road if that suits too.
Looking forward to hearing from you,
Jacqui Fulton
You can also find us on Facebook:
Sunday Creek Dry Creek Landcare.
Hi Jacqui I will respond to your response at my earliest convenience.
Hi Tyson (and Sam),
I’m the President of Sunday Creek Dry Creek Landcare.
Pleased to meet you.
I would like to talk to both of you about your issues.
I would also like to update you on Sunday Creek ecological works.
Please get in touch.
Jacqui Fulton
Ph 0407871770
Hi Sam, any chance we could catch up for a chat? I’m a little confused and would love some clarification from you. My phone number is 0407871770.
Looking forward to hearing from you .
Jacqui Fulton
Don’t do it Sam. More than likely she has there best intentions not anyone else’s. This will be further lies.
Sam Wood
I suggest you read the article again.
Clonbinane Road has many hazards. The biggest hazards I find are the traffic coming in to the State Forest.
I think you’re scratching the bottom of the barrel here. They only moved in 2 months ago. Fire season has just started. They are aware.
They have been to and involved themselves in many of the Clonbinane Community meetings and events and I’d suggest you do too. (CAG, SCDC Landcare, Clonbinane Open Gardens event, CFA Family event etc, etc)
Would you like to talk to them? So you can address your issue with them.
Hi Jacqui,
Feel free to re-read my statement. It answers all of your questions!!!!
This article shows one sided journalism. Making the people actually affected by this to be made out to be the bad people. The whole of Clonbinane is affected by this and all the lies the organisation keeps telling. We hope that NCW will write a story on the other side, to tell the community the concerns and lies that have been told.
I live near this property and I have experienced congested and dangerously blocked roads. Fire safety concerns as I have witnessed many hot cars parked in grassy paddocks. They do not understand the dangers of parking many hot cars in paddocks with long grass. A neighbour went to introduce himself and witnessed 50-60 of their followers worshiping in the sun room without a permit. And he was rudely left outside for 40 mins. No-one greeted him. Imagine how many cars where there for this amount of people. This was all within the first week of their occupancy. They caused nothing but disruptions on our quiet roads. I have photos of many cars parked all over the paddocks, on the sky line and on roadside vegetation areas. They only started making an effort within the community after many locals complained to the council and the council questioned their motives!
Then we started seeing changes to their website. They planned worship/mediation events for many many followers until we questioned it with the council. Then they moved their event elsewhere.
We have footage of people movers (vans) full of people going in and out of this property constantly within that first week.
A neighbour witnessed a car of theirs towing a trailer up and down the road with many children in the trailer. If anyone knows Clonbinane Road, this was very dangerous and reckless.
They changed business names after we queried it. Then they deleted their business hours after we queried it as they advertised being open early till late 7 days a week advertised as a “business”. They advertise and invite many followers to attend daily, weekly and monthly mediation services.
They have done this before in Ripplebrook. They buy old farm houses and developed them into meditation retreats.
They build lots of “meditation huts” over the property. Visit You Tube and watch Bhaddeka Vihari Meditation Centre. You can witness many followers gathering there too.
We don’t want this in our quiet country area.
They have not been to any CCAG community meetings. Not one. They are being dishonest.
First they said that the Dhamsuwa Meditation website was not their website and they had been hacked. Now they are saying this is their website. Dishonest again!!!!!!!!
If they get $1000 per block and there are 10,000 blocks per stage and 10 stages, that equals One Million dollars per stage. 10 Million dollars in total. What do they plan to do with this money? Plant trees??? I don’t think so. You can see why the locals are concerned.
It’s common sense a development is in their future plan.
We cannot ignoramus’s this. If we do then they can do this anywhere.
This article and my reply proves that there are many sides to a story and that articles such as this one with statements from Pushpa Jayakody and the Dhamsuwa Meditation Centre have proved themselves untruthful.
Their website states, that they plan to build a meditation centre on this property! Now they say in this article that they don’t plan to build. What is the truth???????