Two long-time friends and Kilmore residents Reg Cleland and Gordon Nash received awards earlier this month.
Both are well known in the horse world and have given long service to many areas.
Mr Nash received the Equitana Hall of Fame Award for his service to the world renowned event.
“We have been there since the first Equitana in 1997, providing horses for education and display of the stock horse breed with our quamby horses,” he said.
Mr Cleland received The Tricia Read Award from The Horse Riding Clubs of Victoria for more than 20 years of voluntary service.
Mr Cleland was a national level show jumping course designer and judge at shows in Australia and overseas until his retirement, and his family is also heavily involved in equestrian sport.
“Horses have been our whole lives. They have given us so much and it’s great to have been able to assist others,” Mr Cleland said.