The Pyalong community farewelled outgoing Member for Euroa Steph Ryan last month, where residents also had the opportunity to meet The Nationals’ new candidate for Euroa Annabelle Cleeland.
Pyalong Neighbourhood House hosted the morning tea while people chatted with Ms Ryan and Ms Cleeland.
Ms Ryan thanked the community for their advocacy and passion over her eight years in Parliament and promised to continue to work hard for the town right up to election day.
“It has been an honour to represent Pyalong and other communities across the Mitchell Shire over the past eight years,” she said.
“Pyalong residents have always been incredibly welcoming and passionate advocates for their local community.”
Ms Cleeland said she was determined to continue Ms Ryan’s work and ensure small regional communities like Pyalong maintained a strong voice and representative.
“The community has welcomed me with open arms today and if I have the honour of being elected I will work with locals to give them a strong voice in Parliament,” Ms Cleeland said.