Monday, February 17, 2025
8.3 C
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Macedon Ranges getting involved with Plastic Free July

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Macedon Ranges Shire Council is motivating residents to participate in the Plastic Free July challenge.

Plastic Free July is an annual month of action where businesses, individuals and governments work on reducing plastic waste, and making social change.

The globally-recognised challenge is driven by sharing ideas and productive activities that supports businesses and organisations to go plastic free.

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The council has planned activities that includes a reusable cloth nappies program, and a party kit hire program through the neighbourhood houses.

Mayor Jennifer Anderson said she would attempt to reduce her single-use soft plastic to 200 grams for the challenge.

“Single-use plastic causes such a huge negative impact on our planet. I will monitor my usage throughout July, try to get what I’m using right down and look to continue my practises into the future. Every little bit counts, so please get involved in whatever way you can,” she said.

Last year, an estimated 140 million people worldwide engaged in the challenge, reducing household waste and recycling by 15 kilograms per person.


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