The findings of Macedon Ranges Shire Council’s Snow Gum monitoring project have now been released, revealing the Macedon Ranges is a snow gum epicentre.
Council has been working with Landcare groups and the Arthur Rylah Institute to record and monitor the health of snow gum tree populations across the shire, as well as identify any potential climate change impacts.
Ecologists have attributed recent dieback to climate change, however the project has found that most populations were in good health with a large number of young snow gums potentially helping to prepare the species for future impacts.
Ecologist Karl Just said Macedon Ranges Shire was considered to support the largest known concentrations of snow gum in central and western Victoria.
“The largest population documented in the Newham area was distributed across five hectares at Hennerbergs Road, Saunders Road and Finchers lane, where 697 trees were recorded,” he said.
“We believe this to be one of the largest populations of snow gum in the lowland areas of Victoria.
“The Mount Macedon populations of snow gum are the highest within the shire … they are likely among the largest stands of snow gum outside of eastern Victoria.”
A total of 25 community members participated in the project and helped to provide data and locations of snow gums within the Macedon Ranges.