A community information session about the proposed stone extraction quarry between Beveridge and Wallan will be held online instead of face-to-face due to ongoing uncertainty around COVID restrictions.
To be held from 6.30pm on Thursday, the meeting, hosted by Mitchell Shire Council, will provide background information on a proposal for the quarry at 175 Northern Highway in Wallan, the planning process so far and the likely next steps.
Mitchell Shire Council rejected a planning permit application for the quarry and continues to oppose the application, citing a detrimental impact to the community and surrounds.
Planning Minister Richard Wynne ‘called in’ the permit last year, which means he will have the final decision on the application.
Mr Wynne has not released details of what the next steps will be, but the council expects there will be an opportunity for the community to provide input before any decisions on the quarry and the Precinct Structure Plans are made.
The State Government last week released draft Land Use Frameworks for Melbourne’s growth over the next 30 years, which show the proposed quarry, although no decision has been made about it yet.
The meeting will provide an overview of the process so far, the reasons why council continues to oppose the quarry, the concerns council has for the impact on the community and the anticipated next steps.
Cr Rob Eldridge encouraged anyone from Beveridge or Wallan who lived, worked, attended school, operated a business or who might be considering moving to the area in the future to attend the information session.
“If it goes ahead, a quarry in this location will be a disaster for our existing and future communities,” he said.
“Although we’re not exactly sure what the planning process will be from here, we do know that we are going to need the community to get involved and we hope it will be sooner rather than later.
“While there was a small chance we might be able to go ahead with 100 people on September 9, it was looking unlikely, and we really didn’t want to have to turn people away, so we’ve decided to go online instead.
“We’ve had great interest so far. Hopefully the online format means more people can take part and for those who can’t, there will be opportunities to come together in person at some stage in the future.”
Registrations are essential and can be made online at www.mitchellshire.vic.gov.au/quarry-meeting or by calling 5734 6200.