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Mitchell Shire council unveils six 2050 vision themes based on 1500 responses

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Based on nearly 1500 responses from across Mitchell Shire, the emerging themes of the My Mitchell Our Future 2050 Community Vision will be presented via two interactive online sessions.

Mitchell Shire Council will host its first session on Friday and the second on Wednesday, September 1.

The six themes to emerge include: vibrant communities; working, learning and tourism; travelling and getting around; shaping neighbourhoods; nature and parks; and climate action.

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At the interactive sessions council will seek input on the themes, focus areas and words for the draft vision statement.

Originally planned as four in-person workshops, the activities have had to move online due to Victoria’s COVID-19 lockdown.

The current engagement phase follows consultation in April and early May, which included pop-up stalls at markets, events, shopping centres and train stations as well as workshops and an online survey.

The input from the online events will be used to help develop a draft vision statement document, which will be presented to council for adoption in October.

The 2050 Community Vision is a high-level plan that captures the long-term dreams and aspirations of the community.

The vision is used to assist council in developing its priorities to deliver a range of services and infrastructure.

Council will also use the vision to guide focus areas in Mitchell’s health and wellbeing plan and council plan and to support the development of financial and asset plans.

Mitchell Shire Mayor Rhonda Sanderson said council asked people what they loved about their community, what they wished for in the future and what was important to them as the shire grew and changed.

“We’ve had such a wonderful response from people right across the shire as well as people who regularly visit Mitchell for work or leisure or who might look to call Mitchell home in the future,” she said.

“It’s now time for us to check back in as we work together to shape a vision for the next 30 years.

“It’s unfortunate that we had to cancel our face-to-face activities, but this is the next best thing and a great way to keep the conversation going as we head towards 2050 and the adoption of a draft vision document in October this year.

“The meetings will be held through Microsoft Teams with a link provided after registration. We have staff on hand who can help walk people through how to set up if they are interested in taking part but are not sure about the technology.”

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