Monday, February 17, 2025
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Newham Primary School wins National Landcare Award

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Newham Primary School were among two Victorians to win a National Landcare Award on Thursday night.

More than 3000 people from across the country came together online to watch the awards, hosted by ABC TV presenter and Landcare champion Costa Georgiadis.

The awards celebrated 75 nominees in 11 categories.

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Newham Primary School won the Woolworths Junior Landcare Team Award for their work on Indigenous vegetation along a tributary of Deep Creek that abuts the school, creating a nature corridor for wildlife that connects with the Cobaw Biolink.

The school also designed and built a wetland to provide an alternative breeding ground for frogs, which 10 southern brown tree frogs now call home. 

Newham Primary School science teacher Russel Dyer said there were so many people from the school community who had contributed time, expertise and hard work over many years. 

“Staff, students, parents and community members have all been involved, and it’s wonderful to have their efforts recognised,” he said.

“Hopefully the award will be inspiration to get even more people active in this important work in our community.”

The other Victorian to win was Corangamite grazier Andrew Stewart who won the Bob Hawke Landcare Award for environmental and sustainable agricultural advancements. 

Victoria’s Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio congratulated the state’s two winners. 

“The work Andrew Stewart and Newham Primary School have done is amazing – creating a healthier environment and improving biodiversity. We also know just how valuable trees and plants are in combating climate change,” she said.

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