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Honours for three Kilmore Guides

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THREE members of the Kilmore Kookaburra Guides received awards last week, honouring their service to their communities and the organisation.

Sabrina Burford, 15, was presented with the Commonwealth Award, which involves 20 hours of volunteer work and learning the history of Girl Guides and histories of commonwealth states.

“I’ve been in Girl Guides 42 years, and I’ve only known one other member to receive this award, so this is a great achievement by Sabrina,” Girl Guide leader Carolyn Atkinson said.

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“It’s not very well publicised in Guides … so it’s pretty good that she saw it and thought she’d give that a go.”

Sabrina had to complete five challenges for the Commonwealth Award: the history of guiding, knowledge of the commonwealth, community action, environment action and creative writing.

She chose to study Singapore, its Guides history, and what life is like for young Singaporean women, as well as pollution and water supplies in Singapore and Australia.

Lisa Gallagher and Charlotte Burford, both 12, also picked up Baden-Powell (BP) Awards, for which each participant must complete 18 challenges in multiple fields – a feat that takes 18 months to complete.

Ms Gallagher was also presented with the Grace Patterson award, which is presented to a Girl Guide who has shown she lives by the Guide Promise and Law.

As part of her BP Award, Charlotte volunteered at Kilmore Dianella Hostel nursing home for several months, chatting to residents and helping out where needed.

Ms Gallagher taught herself how to make a rope ladder, which she demonstrated to the rest of the Guides group, and gave a presentation on how earthquakes and tsunamis occur.

“She explains things really well to kids – she’s a deep thinker,” Ms Atkinson said.  

All three will attend a state function this year where they will receive their certificates.

The awards come after months of Zoom meetings for Kilmore Girl Guides, which recommenced face-to-face at the start of term four last year.

“It was really interesting trying to put Guides across like that, but it worked. The kids stayed and we got three new kids during [lockdown] so it was really good,” Ms Atkinson said.

“That was very interesting trying to think of things. One of the kids showed them how to do origami and that was very interesting trying to hold it [in front of the computer camera] to even show the kids.

“We went back term four and it was nice to see people in the face for real – especially the new kids.”
Sabrina is now working on her Duke of Edinburgh Award, and Charlotte has just started as a Girl Guide patrol leader.

“Girl Guides always welcome more members on Thursdays, so if people want to call in, they’re more than welcome,” Ms Atkinson added.

The group meets at the Kilmore Guide and Scout Hall on Thursdays from 4pm to 5.30pm and is open to ages five to 17 years. For more information, phone 5782 2039.

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