LANCEFIELD residents have decided to bring Christmas to town by decorating the streets, with their anthem, ‘It’s been such a rubbish year, we thought we would add some more Christmas cheer’.
The residents are part of Lancefield Neighbourhood House and are known as the decoration team. They spent many hours creating handmade decorations to brighten up the town.
In 2019, the group gathered on Sunday and Wednesday afternoons to make decorations predominantly out of recycled materials, and they have added more to their collection this year.
Some of the decorations include hand-crafted and painted elves, Christmas puddings made from balls and donated fabric, holly leaves made from window blind cut-offs, and coat hanger snowflakes.
“My favourite new one is the turkey and chicken on the butcher’s roof, closely followed by Santa in the ute at the mechanics,” committee member Linda Davies said.
Fellow volunteer Ann Shipcott and her husband Alan worked together to cut out and paint elves, made from timber.
“Be warned, there are a few grumpy ones around,” Ms Shipcott laughed.
Neighbourhood house co-ordinator Vivien Philpotts said people could call the neighbourhood house on 5429 1214 to join the creation of decorations to fill the town or join the installation team.
“Most of the decorations have lights so the street looks fabulous during the day and very, peacefully, beautiful at night,” she said.