Council works near completion

Pedestrian bridges alongside the Northern Highway over Kilmore Creek are nearing completion.

Works are continuing across Wallan and Kilmore as part of Mitchell Shire Council’s $40 million capital works program.

The first stage of works in Wellington Street, Wallan are complete, with drainage and footpaths on the western side of the road now finished.

Works on the opposite side to upgrade the road surface, build a new footpath and improve drainage began in early September and council expects them to be completed by January, weather permitting.

The work zone will be reduced to 40 kilometres per hour both during construction and at night.

While there may be some minor delays, traffic will still be able to move through the area.
The $1.1 million project is fully funded by Regional Development Victoria. The project is part of the $4.1 million Wallan Town Heart project, which also includes funding from council and the State Government’s Growing Suburbs Fund.

A new intersection at O’Gradys Road and Kilmore East Road near the Kilmore East railway station and underpass is close to completion.

The upgrade includes two new streetlights and a new T intersection with turning lanes on O’Gradys Road. Works are due to be completed by mid-December, weather permitting.

Council also has lodged an application with VicRoads to have the speed limit reduced from 80 kilometres per hour to 60.

The State Government’s Fixing Country Roads program funded $975,000 of the intersection and lighting project with council contributing $268,000 to the upgrades.

Conway Street, Kilmore is now open to traffic in both directions after wet weather and COVID-19 slowed the progress of crews working on the busy school precinct.

The road opened on October 21 after more than 10 weeks of works, with clean-up, line marking and grass planting still to be completed over the coming weeks.

Lighting will also be installed over the coming months by AusNet.

The Conway Street upgrade also includes a new underground drainage, a full reconstruction of the road pavement, indented parking bays, new concrete kerb and channel, Kilmore-Lancefield Road intersection upgrades and new concrete footpaths.

The $1.1 million works have been jointly funded by council and the State Government.
Works have also resumed at White Street, Kilmore to improve accessibility and safety.

The project had been put on hold due to a variation dispute with the contractor, which now has been resolved to the satisfaction of council.

Council anticipates the roadways and footpath works will be largely completed by mid-November with the project fully completed by December, weather permitting.

The project included the reconstruction and widening of White Street, between Allan and Green streets, to include new kerbing on both sides of the road and upgraded drainage.

New footpaths have also been constructed on both sides of the road from Green Street to join with Tootle Street.

The project is being jointly funded by $415,000 from the State Government’s Fixing Country Roads Program with council is contributing $457,000 to the upgrades.

Mitchell Shire Council chief executive Brett Luxford said council was on track to complete several major works that will improve safety and movement across our shire.

“The funding partnership between council and the State Government to fund works has seen many of the shire’s roads improved to benefit our growing population,” he said.